Some reasons why there is God

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mysticrose's picture
Some reasons why there is God

I know that it will be almost impossible to convince atheists about the existence of god but theists have reasons also why their belief in god is certain. One of my reasons why I believe is perfection. Disregarding what the bible said and what religion teaches, there are other good reasons to believe in god.

The philosophy of Thomas Aquinas is quite a good explanation as seen here:

I also found this interesting article about reasons to believe in god:

I hope atheists out there will take time to read those links too.
Let us know your view.

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Matty Arnold's picture
Hi Mysticrose, I've had a
Trevor's picture
Like Matty said
Paul Grinwis's picture
Hello Matty Arnold, I'm a
Bobby's picture
Yes a lot of atheist have
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Disagreement isn't pummeling.
Andy Boustany's picture
Matty Arnold's picture
Thanks for the reply Paul :)
Paul Grinwis's picture
Yes it is an unfounded
Henry Plantagenet's picture
The Bible has not been
Unknowntyper's picture
Oh my Zeus,
Zaphod's picture
I really loved and found
SammyShazaam's picture
Wait a *minute* here...
Zaphod's picture
Hmmm, interesting, with that
Rob Beasley's picture
Do you mind quoting your
SammyShazaam's picture
To be honest, I was
Rob Beasley's picture
Do you mind quoting your
Matty Arnold's picture
I did agree with someone that
SammyShazaam's picture
Matty, you're definitely
Matty Arnold's picture
I'm intrigued by the
Dale Floyd French's picture
Of all the arguments from the
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol. Do we really spend that
Henry Plantagenet's picture
The other team has spent 2000
DarkLight's picture
Not a single reason as to why
lomfs24's picture
Paul, you seem very sincere
mysticrose's picture
This is a good debate topic
TW Duke's picture
I would argue that any
SammyShazaam's picture
Really, the truth is that we
Zaphod's picture
I agree with TW and Sammy
SammyShazaam's picture
Exactly. I'm pretty sure that
efpierce's picture
I think I just got a headache


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