Some questions for Rat Spit...

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Rohan M.'s picture
Some questions for Rat Spit...

So lemme get this straight, Rat Spit... You’re having a conversation with this... “OverLord”? And from what I could gather from your recent “challenge”, you think that every last one of our thoughts are actually him pulling the strings? Okaaay... Just out of curiosity, what is the name of this faith/cult/whatever of yours? And also, how exactly do you think you’re conversing with him? And what makes you think you are? I would like to at least know the specifics of what exactly it is that you believe. Only then will we be able to debate you on the matter.

Alright, this time, I’ve got myself some more eggnog... bring it on.

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arakish's picture
Got my Orville Reddenbaker
Tin-Man's picture
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Make some room for me. I'll
rat spit's picture
It’s simple. I hear him. I
arakish's picture
I don't know. But it sounds
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit
rat spit's picture
Indeed. Indeed indeed. How
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit Re: "The OverLord
Sheldon's picture
Not one piece of objective
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
"It’s testimony. Perfectly
Rohan M.'s picture
If we don’t own our own
rat spit's picture
Rohan M.'s picture
Uhh... you literally just
rat spit's picture
*blushes* do I get a razor
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit Re: Razor
Sheldon's picture
"Subjective evidence is the
Rohan M.'s picture
@Sheldon Agreed. It’s
Sheldon's picture
The claim only subjective
rat spit's picture
@ Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
rat spit
Rohan M.'s picture
I’ve got one- Rohan’s Razor,
rat spit's picture
Hmm. How about “sieve” - like
David Killens's picture
More like the colander of woo
Sheldon's picture
Kudos, damn funny fair play.
Rohan M.'s picture
Or the Colander of the one
Rohan M.'s picture
@Rat spit I already have a
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Every word of that has alarm
Rohan M.'s picture
Sounds an awful lot like


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