Some precise prophecies

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atheister's picture
Some precise prophecies

Whenever christian doomsday people go crying around, I always tell them this:
Hopi Tribe prophecy (
The fact that a native american tribe got it more right than them gives me the giggles.
Lets all become Hopis!
Joking, Joking. xD
SOOO. Does this prove the Hopis are right?
Does ANYTHING the christians poke at US prove their right?
No, Im not paranoid at this, either.
But this doomsday earns points for accuracy

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mysticrose's picture
Groups and individuals who
AnimalLeader's picture
I think someone is bound to
Trevor's picture
Indeed precision in
Rob's picture
Any prediction has a 50/50
Zaphod's picture
I would go further and say
James's picture
i agree with you Rob theres
SammyShazaam's picture
On a tangent :)
mysticrose's picture
I also don't think the world
firebolt's picture
There is absolutely no way
SammyShazaam's picture
That's pretty resolute of you
Zaphod's picture
I advise you guys both put
SammyShazaam's picture
Sure, provided I can have
ginamoon's picture
Personally I do not believe
cookymonster1103's picture
Even though I think all of
mysticrose's picture
Zombie apocalypse may

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