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Ellie Harris's picture

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sobriety diary

Sorry if this is in the wrong place at the site. my phone doesn't show any other forums except for this one and the debate one.

Anyway last time I I got drunk was two days ago. I vomited out vodka squirt and my Subway sandwich.

this drinking is killing me and has left me homeless. I need to stop now and deal with my pain sober or I will die a miserable man and accomplish nothing with life.

Drinking alcohol or taking drugs to make pain go away will only cause more pain. That is the whole friggin truth!!

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
Zaphod's picture
Yeah easier said than done,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I don't drink much or do
Zaphod's picture
To me this is what this site
mysticrose's picture
You know the right things to
CyberLN's picture
Sometimes it's not as simple
SonOh1's picture
I think finding meaningful

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