So long and thanks for all the fish.

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Lmale's picture
So long and thanks for all the fish.

Ive been on forums and doing research and talking with people in comment sections of some videos.
Ive come to the sad conclusion unless a major political change is made there no future for any of us.
Im betting £50 (hell of a lot considering my fortnightly food budget is £30) that the human civilisation is gone in less than 100 years possibly less than 50.
Been a good run hope the next civilisation does better.

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Zaphod's picture
Hey now, be careful... I don
SammyShazaam's picture
No worries, it's a seamless
Lmale's picture
Ive no children thankfully im
Lmale's picture
Thats because you think there
mattyn's picture
All of that faith and only
Lmale's picture
Its not really a slip its an
firebolt's picture
That's true, we do worry more
Lmale's picture
Maybe both :)

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