This Site Is Called Atheist Republic So Why Do Christians Come Here?

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FievelJ's picture
This Site Is Called Atheist Republic So Why Do Christians Come Here?

I do not understand why Christians come to this site. What do they think they will change our minds? I was Christian at one time, as my profile lists, but I opened my mind to realizing there's so many other religious beliefs, they can not all be correct.

So I figured I would research more, and found most these stories including so called plagues can be explained. There's some which the natural weather was responsible for, if not all. And the world was never completely flooded.

It also doesn't mention the super continent which did exist before things shifted, and we had the world map which we have today. It's hard to imagine the world as one large piece, but that's what the world looked like at one time.

Anyways, I just hope not too many Christians try to argue with me.

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ronald bertram's picture
Gondwanaland. I took a


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FievelJ's picture
@Bright Raven
LogicFTW's picture
Actually I think "Pangaea"
Randomhero1982's picture
. I took a course in Plate
boomer47's picture
FievelJ's picture
Flatland's picture
I couldn't help hearing the
FievelJ's picture
boomer47's picture
FievelJ's picture
Flatland's picture
You're no different.
LogicFTW's picture
It is like flatland is a
algebe's picture
@Fievel Mousekewitz: It's
FievelJ's picture
ronald bertram's picture
@ Fievel
algebe's picture
@Bright Raven:
LogicFTW's picture
ronald bertram's picture
algebe's picture
Bright Raven: I don't
FievelJ's picture
algebe's picture
@Fievel Mousekewitz: Some
In Spirit's picture
@Fievel Mousekewitz
CyberLN's picture
Fievel, you wrote, “This Site
FievelJ's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Fievel Re: "Why Do
FievelJ's picture
Cognostic's picture
RE: Why do Christians come
Flatland's picture
Are you feeling trolled
ronald bertram's picture
Cognostic's picture
Bright Raven: More attempts


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