The Sins of the World

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Alan D. Griffin's picture
The Sins of the World

The Sins of the World.
By Alan D. Griffin
​Christians say Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sins of the world. But, if I don't repent my sins and claim Jesus as my personal savior I must pay for my own sins by burning in hell for them. So if Jesus truly carries the sins of the world on his shoulders then that means I have just lightened the load along with all other non-christians around the world and throughout time. Would you think it is noble of someone to step forward and help Jesus out like that. Isn't it noble for someone to step forward and say I have done wrong and take the consequences. Isn't that how we define responsibility? So is it not more humbling to say I have broken God's laws and I should be punished as described in the bible. Would that not show your love for God?

The bible says god believes you are guilty and should burn in hell for your infractions. So let God's will be done, don't try to get out of it on the messiah loophole. If as a Christian you live for God's will you should want to happily go to hell because God said that is what is just, of course this would ruin Christianity which is based on the get out of jail free policy. Don't worry though there is good news! Jesus did not die for the sins of the world. Jesus only died for the sins of true Christians who are born-again, saved in Christ, repent their sins, and try real hard every day for the rest of their lives to not to break a commandment or think of breaking a commandment. Remember these commandments are so hard not to break that according to the bible Jesus is the only person in the history of the world that was able to pull it off. I am sure on the other hand if everyone could truly be humble and take responsibility for the laws we have broken God would let us in on sure humility after all the meek shall inherit the Earth.

I think the problem with Christians today is a combination of pride and doubt. See with all my wild Ideas and opinions that I base in logic and rational thinking I can admit I could be wrong, even as strongly as I believe what I believe. A Christian on the other hand has too much pride backed by doubt to ever admit there is a possibility that they could be wrong. To admit that they could be wrong would be an act of humility. They claim to have faith but faith is based on doubt. Without doubt there is no need for faith, which they hold in high regard. You see if they admit that they might be wrong then a little doubt might creep out and logic might set in and pull them away from god. They know this because they have been there before, probably many times before. If you learn something as a child and believe it to be true your whole life and then one day in your twenties or thirties you get in an argument with someone about one of these subjects. Most people would be adamant that they were right even if presented with evidence that they were wrong they would still stand their ground on the issue. They stand their ground because they have believed it for so long that they cannot take the fact that they are wrong, I believe this is referred to as pride. That's why Christians are so pushy with their beliefs. The more people they can convince that they are right it takes away the doubt a little. If they can suppress their doubt with other believers then they don't have to admit that they have been led to believe a lie and hurt their pride. They like to pretend. They like the fantasy. They want, no, they need you to perpetuate their beliefs, so they don't have to admit they are wrong.

They need to realize that the Ten Commandments are near impossible not to break and they need to humble themselves and take responsibility, but if they did that then Jesus would have died in vain. Jesus doesn't want to pay for your sins. He lived a sinless life to show that a human can live a sinless life and not break a single commandment. If you don't want to take responsibilities for your own sins and pay the price you are prideful and put yourself first. Doesn't the bible say people who are prideful and self-serving will not inherit the kingdom of heaven? So these few true Christians who honestly in their hearts, repent, claim Jesus, and not even think of breaking a commandment will be admitted into heaven. All the Christians who fall off the bandwagon even just a little and die, will pay for their own sins along with all the Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Wiccans, Pagans, Scientologists, Atheists, agnostics, Jews, etc. will pay for their own sins. Therefore Jesus did not die for those sins. Jesus' death paid for such a minuscule percentage of the sins of the population around the world and throughout time that it would be a mere fraction of a percent. Claiming that Jesus died for the sins of the world is not only an exaggeration but a complete lie.

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Luther's picture
I never quite understood the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Pitar's picture
Sins, crimes, same thing,
Darkhenoc1's picture
Pitar, I would disagree with

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