Single question disturbing me?

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myrobot's picture
Single question disturbing me?

Appologise if this is stupid question but this question is disturbing me.
From last 1 month and 15 days (total 45 days) i am trying hard to find reality about existence of God. I am researching, contacting to peoples of all types including all religions from whole world on internet and digging day and night to find reality. Even in last 43 days i sleeping in nights only 4 or 5 hours only in 24 hours.
After all this hard struggle if some one asks me "Do you beleive in God?" My answer is i don,t know. I can,t say there is no God but i also can,t say God exists because i don,t know.
But single question which is disturbing me. As we all know "there is no perfect evidence of existence of God but we also don,t have perfect proof which prooves there is no God". In this situation if there is no God in reality then no problem after this life but if there God exists then it shall be great problem for us after life and on judgement day.
What you guys say about this point.

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myrobot's picture
I am spending my days and
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Do you pose the same
myrobot's picture
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"This makes me sad if I'm
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Neither are knowable things -'s picture
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Fawzi Helou...
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