Simple Case for God

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Mason Moore's picture
Simple Case for God

I'm going to reword my OP, so I can have a single argument with all I've learned from this, instead of answering every question:

-We have something instead of nothing.
-This something we have, reality, is either self-existent, or was created by something self-existent. There is no option C, for reality is neither an illusion nor self-created (nothing can create itself.)
-If reality were self-existent, with no cause, then why is it based upon cause and effect? How can something that has no cause, and is not an effect, be ruled by such logic? Does the law of cause and effect not apply to itself?
-This leads me to believe something supernatural, outside of the laws of cause and effect, created the universe. What can we infer about this force from what its created? It is eternal (it existed before time as we know it), immaterial (it created material itself), and omnipresent (it is not bound to science.) It is self aware and purposeful (it was able to, and chose, to formulate the universe.) Inferred from ourselves, we know it is personal, for the impersonal cannot create the personal. It is loving, for it created beings in its image (us) who share its qualities, and actively seeks to connect with us.

This fits the biblical God, and those of other religions. So why Christianity? I believe we are all sinners in need of a savior, and Jesus is that savior. When we sin against God, we bring sorrow to ourselves and to Him. He disciplines us, not for obedience, but out of discipline, so that we may return to Him. Its when we never accept Him in the first place that His wrath is brought upon us. The hardships brought upon the world are from our own actions, and its God's discipline for us, so we don't destroy ourselves. Hell is the punishment for those who never repent, and chose a life of worshiping evil. If there was no discipline, and no threat of eternal punishment for a lifetime of evil, how many would repent? None. How could we live good lives by choosing evil? Darkness has no relations with light. We cannot make up the evil we do, so we must trust God to have mercy on us; and He did, through Jesus.

I hope this answers all the questions I've got. If not, ill try to do so. I realize I misunderstood some of your questions, but I did read them.

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algebe's picture
Mason Moore's picture
Hello. As I said, something
Seenyab4's picture
So just because everything
Mason Moore's picture
Assuming there's no Creator,
Seenyab4's picture
I don't see why an eternal
Mason Moore's picture
Interesting theory. Ill have
Dave Matson's picture
algebe's picture
It's inconceivable that
Mason Moore's picture
If something exists, even
algebe's picture
Dave Matson's picture
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Hmm let's look at it this way
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Establishes scientific theory
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AlwaysAlli's picture
algebe's picture
AlwaysAlli's picture
It is believed that God didn
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AlwaysAlli's picture
Alright. You say you want
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you know what the great
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Great Depression
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It took me 3 whole minutes to
CyberLN's picture
Three minutes? Oh, Tieler,
ThePragmatic's picture
Good one :)


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