Should christians be allowed to be medically treated?

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mykcob4's picture
Should christians be allowed to be medically treated?

Christians believe that everything that happens is the will of god. God moves in mysterious ways and all that bunk. Well, since they don't believe in science and believe in the will of god, should they be allowed to clog up our hospitals and emergency rooms? Shouldn't they just go to their respective churches for treatment. Or better yet, just stay home and pray!
If I was a believer, I would certainly practice what I preached. Every substantial sized military unit has a chaplain. Shouldn't his job be expanded to heal the christian wounded, instead of carting those christians off to MASH units? The VA hospitals wouldn't be so crowded. And just think of the medical insurance cost that these christians would save.
I submit that if you are a christian or a person of faith that you not waste your time and my money by going to a hospital or seeing a doctor. Your priest, rabbi, or cleric should be able to cure you of your wounds and or ills.
Let's say you lose your leg in battle, well just have the chaplain pray you a new one. There, problem solved.

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ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
We pretty much run most of
xenoview's picture
rtmcdge's picture
Yes. I believe in faith
bigbill's picture
There is a naturalistic
mykcob4's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I believe in healing by God.
MCDennis's picture
Nothing fails like prayer
algebe's picture
LOL. You're right there. My
bigbill's picture
Well a doctor takes an oath
chimp3's picture
I work in a health care
Daniel's picture
Everyone deserves healthcare
MCDennis's picture
The point of course is that
LogicFTW's picture
Fine by me. Just not the kids
Nyarlathotep's picture
I sympathize with the
Sky Pilot's picture
Well, to be fair, although
MCDennis's picture
Moses provided the cure for
ZeffD's picture
People should 'believe
chimp3's picture
The thing to remember is that
Deidre32's picture
LOL! I like your posts,
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Well yeah we should all BUT I
jonthecatholic's picture
I actually had to click on
LogicFTW's picture
That would be awful if
UnKnown's picture
Just because we pray doesn't
algebe's picture
@Unknown: It's just that God
UnKnown's picture
I say 99.99% because here is
mykcob4's picture
Prove it Unknown.
UnKnown's picture
I prayed to God that my I
mykcob4's picture
That isn't proof unknown. We
UnKnown's picture
1. In your mind, how would


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