Secular government supporting religions?

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CyberLN's picture
Secular government supporting religions?

The following quote is from a report presenting the Seattle Planning Commission’s findings and recommendations for Seattle concerning affordable housing. I wonder where else this is happening.

"Pursue strategies that address disparities related to wealth, education and culture in homeownership opportunities. As example, the city could work with nonprofit providers to develop culturally-sensitive mortgage products and underwriting processes to growing numbers of prospective buyers, such as observant Muslims who cannot pay for or collect interest under Sharia Law. "

I will end up paying hundreds of thousands in interest on my home loan over its 30 year lifetime. The municipal government of the city in which I live is looking into ways (ergo spending the tax dollars collected, in part, from me) to let someone, based on their religion, purchase a home without having to pay the same amount as others who are not part of that religion.

This is not a matter of "cultural sensitivity' as the quote above suggests. Islam is not a culture, it is a religion. This municipality seams to be supporting sharia law. This municipality seams to want people one religion financially favored over another or none.

Guess I'll be contacting a few folks in the local government. Sigh. Do you think this is an appropriate activity in which a secular government should engage?

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XyberEX's picture
This seems counter to what a
Nyarlathotep's picture
For what it is worth:
ThePragmatic's picture
Does this fit into the

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