Scientific purpose of human species, may be to replicate universes

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Blue Grey Brain's picture
Scientific purpose of human species, may be to replicate universes

Title: Scientific/objective purpose of human species, may be to replicate universes.

Be it atheists or theists, many may feel human life may be purposeless or untenable; i.e. a never ending search or a "why" question that's perhaps not worth asking.

I think there's a viable alternative to especially the "purposeless" based outlook, with the introduction of a recent concept called "teleonomy", which is an atheistic/scientific way to describe nature in purpose driven language. (In fact, as seen on Wikipedia/teleonomy, Richard Dawkins; recently introduced the treatments “archeo” and “neo” purpose. See his video/speech "the purpose of purpose".)

Anyway, for example, using the laws of thermodynamics, we can try to objectively discover non-trivial goals that humans may undertake, as far as nature goes. (i.e. grand purposes for the human species, that reasonably transcend the desires of individual humans, while seeking to be objective, much like how Science tends to follow the evidence, aiming to describe what the cosmos actually is, rather than what people may want the cosmos to be.)

  • The video aims to explore in a fun way, objective scientific purpose wrt the human species:
  • Youtube-link:


    Note that you don't need to watch the video, you can alternatively see the following two hypotheses below, which details different grand purposes that the human species may undertake:

  • An atheist PhD psychologist hypothesizes that future humans are probably supposed to replicate universes [2017] : "Cosmological Evolution and the Future of Life"
  • An atheist computer scientist hypothesizes that a grand human purpose is probably to create Artificial General Intelligence [2015] : "Why the purpose of the human species is probably to create artificial general intelligence?"
  • Why make this post?

    I once talked to a theist years ago, and the person mentioned they felt empty, and they even considered self-termination.

    The above is another reason why I'm making this post. As an atheist back then, (I am still an atheist today), I somewhat grappled with purposelessness, although I was shocked to find out that this affected theists as well, especially when they supposedly had a perfect purpose laid out before them; namely to worship some deity.

    Both theists and scientists seem to somewhat regard science as valuable; even if some theists disregard/deny many empirically observed scientific principles, they seem to not mind using many products of science, such as internet, and computers. This post is designed to appeal to scientific/objective descriptions of purpose, which may appeal to both theists and atheists.



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    LogicFTW's picture
    I too have come to some of
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    I too have come to some of
    David Killens's picture
    The common application of the
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    The common application of the
    Peurii's picture
    What motivates us as humans
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    What motivates us as humans
    SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
    Purpose must be defined by
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Purpose must be defined by
    SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
    Not challenging your reply.
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Not challenging your reply. I
    SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
    Well Sound the Alarm, because
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Well Sound the Alarm, because
    SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
    Which makes a lot more sense.
    Nyarlathotep's picture
    Avant Brown -'s top
    LogicFTW's picture
    ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
    "Comparing abilities of a
    LogicFTW's picture
    I strongly suspect, (hey just
    ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
    Sure, but I don't think I
    LogicFTW's picture
    I for the most part agreed
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    @LogicFTW's words:
    LogicFTW's picture
    Like I said in my first post,
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Persons tend to underestimate
    Cognostic's picture
    There isn't anything factual
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    There isn't anything factual
    Cognostic's picture
    No it does not. You are not
    xenoview's picture
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    David Killens's picture
    We human beings have two
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    We human beings have two


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