Science VS Christianity

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doubleAtheist's picture
Science VS Christianity

So i was thinking yesterday, doing random google searches, and found the fact that around half of the US population accept evolution, now most of those people will be christian, atheists create around 5% of the United States population, more secular countries with way higher atheist rates (sweden, china, japan, denmark ect..) have way more evolution acceptance rates, now we call all agree that evolution is a fact, all fields of science can confirm.

Even the pope accepts evolution...

But evolution does destroy all of christianity not just creation.

If we evolved, which we did, means no Adam and Eve, no Adam and Eve would mean no talking snake, and no original sin. No original sin means jesus never died for our sins, which destroys the whole chrsitian view, unless they do what they always do, say the story was not meant to be taken literaly, which would make no sense..

But yeah, I feel science vs chrstianity is real, for all the other religions not sure, but islam doesnt accept human evolution.. So islam doesnt agree with science..

Any thoughts my atheist friends?

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Sir Random's picture
You are certainly correct.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I already answer this topic
doubleAtheist's picture
I read your comment on the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
1 You are claiming that we
Sir Random's picture
Logic is required to be
Sir Random's picture
Also, Jeff, jstone has been
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I did not know, thanks.
Sir Random's picture
Np. I put up the report
doubleAtheist's picture
Thanks for the reply, I can
Sir Random's picture
Jstone has been blocked. No
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The guys that found the first
JAlexG's picture
Your post is what I generally
chimp3's picture
Science does not disprove the
Pathway Machine's picture
They don't call fact theory.
mykcob4's picture
You must not know any TRUE
Pathway Machine's picture
A TRUE atheist? You mean,
mykcob4's picture
When I was of school age
Pathway Machine's picture
mykckob, Could you expand
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If he is referring to the
ThePragmatic's picture
Unfortunately, it sounds as
mykcob4's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Atheism has nothing to do
Pathway Machine's picture
We / they thought that a lot


Attach Image/Video?: 

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Pathway Machine
Pathway Machine's picture
@ The Pragmatic,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Pathway Machine - "He says
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
As I see it he is correct in
Nyarlathotep's picture
formally speaking:
Pathway Machine's picture
Nyarlathotep, "dumb on
Nyarlathotep's picture


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