Science of self realisation

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Gordan Šojat's picture
Science of self realisation

Though as a people we have a different viewpoints...on one we can all agree....if you can scientifically prof what you are saying than I will belive. Othervise what is a difference between christian, muslim, hindu or atheist faith?♡

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Gordan Šojat's picture
For all you beautiful souls
CyberLN's picture
Atheism isn't a faith.
Atheist School Girl's picture
That's the great thing about
SammyShazaam's picture
Excellent illustration! I've
Gordan Šojat's picture
Atheism is also some kind of
CyberLN's picture
IMO, it is not, indeed, a
Gordan Šojat's picture
What IMO means?
Jacob Johansen's picture
In my opinion?
Gordan Šojat's picture
CyberLN's picture
freethinker's picture
No Gordon...Atheism is the
Gordan Šojat's picture
I'm not a Christian. My
CyberLN's picture
How is your religion a
Gordan Šojat's picture
Yes it uses the scientific
CyberLN's picture
What is it called?
Gordan Šojat's picture
CyberLN's picture
Will you provide examples of
Gordan Šojat's picture
I guess it would be better
CyberLN's picture
That was specific. You
Gordan Šojat's picture
Ok....there are two kind of
CyberLN's picture
Please just provision the
Gordan Šojat's picture
Please be patient, I'm coming
SammyShazaam's picture
Define in your own words the
ex-christian_atheist's picture
I think it is a very common
Gordan Šojat's picture
You say that atheism is based
ex-christian_atheist's picture
No, atheism is not based on
Gordan Šojat's picture
If you say that you have a
Gordan Šojat's picture
Thank you all for answering
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
I think the word "Faith" and
Gordan Šojat's picture
I like how you say that this


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