Science is awesome!!

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Lmale's picture
Science is awesome!!

Anyone heard of xna a synthetic version of dna made from inorganic molecules.
I bet you can see something significant in that.
Ive included a link:

My second post is about reverse engineering dinosaurs from chicken using no tricks just atavisms surely that proves 'macro' evolution.
And heres a link:

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Lmale's picture
I forget the words but there
Lmale's picture
Policing it in the future
Lmale's picture
Futurescape the documentary
SammyShazaam's picture
More than possible. Much more
firebolt's picture
Is this going to be the
Lmale's picture
Nope this is gonna be the one
Lmale's picture
Fuck me physicist Andrew
Lmale's picture
Oh sheet if there are
Zaphod's picture
Universes without religion
mattyn's picture
What do you think those are
Lmale's picture
Much worse!!!!!!!!!!
Lmale's picture
Try thinking of the worse
Zaphod's picture
Sorry man, I can think of
Lmale's picture
Nope if you can wait well see
Lmale's picture
By the way i didnt mean
Lmale's picture
I dont think gregs going to
Zaphod's picture
There is and has always been
Zaphod's picture
There is and has always been
Lmale's picture
On to todays post.
Lmale's picture
Man christians are gonna be

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