Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz religion and conservative politics

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Anonymous's picture
Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz religion and conservative politics

I have tried to being to attention religion and politics before but got little response. So I am trying again by bringing Sarah Palin into the argument because she is such a fucking moron that she will bring more interest to the discussion. This subject is worth of "pithy" debate but since often this forum lacks "understanding of important issues I am not optimistic "it" will be accepted. There is no doubt-none at all-not even close-no skepticism, complete agreement, positively accepted, that Christians are conservative in their politics. Christians are more likely to be republicans than democrats.. More to the point born again Christians are more likely to be "tea party" conservative republicans. Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz are the most popular among conservative Christians. Conservative biblical Christians and conservative politics go together like bread and butter, ham and eggs, turkey and stuffing, peanut butter and jelly, or Sarah Palin and morons. This is not disputable. Both Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz have given speeches at Liberty University. If you want to really laugh out loud go to UTUBE and watch Sarah Palin at Liberty University. This is just a tip of the iceberg. Issue after issue Conservative Christians and conservative political thinking go together. Homosexuality is a terrible, horrible, very bad sin amongst bible believing Christians. After all it says so in he bible. Conservative Republicans agree with their conservative Christians homosexuality is bad. In many issues republican conservatives and conservative Christians agree on most things from taxes to foreign policy from Obama Care to immigration. Oh yeah IMMIGRATION is BIG amongst conservative Christians and Conservative Republicans. Donald(fuck face) Trump has made this a big issue by disparaging, humiliating, condemning , and ridiculing, immigrants. I can go on and on and on and on how conservative republicans and conservative Christians align themselves in the same issues. But that is enough--you get the idea...Don't try to debate the premise as these are facts not open to argument. I would like discussion on the subject as this is an interesting topic not only because I (the most intelligent human being in the universe) brought it up but it is worthy of discussion. God Bless.

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I don't think Sarah Palin has
Anonymous's picture
Vincent--As much as I will
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
thank you for the information

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