Robert Spencer speaks in Los Angeles on Did Muhammad Exist?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Robert Spencer speaks in Los Angeles on Did Muhammad Exist?

Watch this because it is very interesting:

This orthodox christian does indeed make a well studied investigation of Islam history.

What he misses is that the idea of Islam being a political agenda was not original.
Islam is just a copy of an other very successful religion that was created for a political agenda, that we call Christianity.

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mysticrose's picture
I thought Islam existed
cmallen's picture
Islam took parts from Judaism
Larry Porter's picture
Muhammad was born about 532
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I thought Islam existed
maryam's picture
1400 years ago...
mysticrose's picture
Oh, but Mohammed existed
ThePragmatic's picture
What are you talking about??
ThePragmatic's picture
"Islam's self-identity is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
mysticrose is a victim of
mysticrose's picture
Thanks Jeff, I'll do more
Aaron's picture
Good and informative video
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I think you mean, after jesus

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