The Right for Spite

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PsychoSarah's picture
The Right for Spite

I see an awful lot of rude criticism (some people really go out of their way to be disrespectful and nasty) between theists and atheists on this forum, and the atheists actually are more so than the theists, it seems. I get that many of us haven't had the greatest of interactions with religious people, but so long as they are being civil there is no reason for us to attack them. I have yet to see a theist strongly push their beliefs, but there are plenty of atheist doing so. How is that not as bad as when theists push their religion on us? In short, what is your justification for bashing the religious/nonreligious here?

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SammyShazaam's picture
What!? I think you ought to
Zaphod's picture
I agree with Sammy you should
PsychoSarah's picture
Fair enough, my bad, I jumped
mysticrose's picture
The arguments and
SammyShazaam's picture
Mysticrose is one of my
mysticrose's picture
Oh, I'm agnostic so far' :)
PsychoSarah's picture
This was an old view of mine.
mattyn's picture
I was shocked by some of the
SammyShazaam's picture
True, but I do miss the times

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