Richard Dawkins on Fox News: I’m An Equal Opportunity Religion Basher

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xenoview's picture
Richard Dawkins on Fox News: I’m An Equal Opportunity Religion Basher

I’ve been criticizing all religion — mostly Christianity — for years. And you can do that as much as you’d like with the Regressive Left. As soon as you criticize any aspect of Islam, they come down on you like a ton of bricks. - Richard Dawkins

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algebe's picture
"they mistakenly think that
xenoview's picture
I agree with you Algebe.
Randomhero1982's picture
Very well said algebe
LogicFTW's picture
Dawkins is a braver man than
algebe's picture
@LogicForTW: "Dawkins is a
chimp3's picture
Dawkins is foremost a science
curious's picture
Is he on the verge of
LogicFTW's picture
If someone paid me a million
Nyarlathotep's picture
1 million dollars? Shit, as I
algebe's picture
@LogicForTW: "If someone paid
algebe's picture
@LogicForTW: "If someone paid
LogicFTW's picture
Hmm...Maybe I should be a

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