Rep Matt Schaefer

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Randomhero1982's picture
Rep Matt Schaefer

Following the horrific acts of violence in Texas, I thought I'd share an attachment in the form of a screen grab from Rep Matt Schaefer's account on twitter...

Matt Schaefer is a fucking lunatic and should be strapped to a rocket and fired into the sun.

In the event of people not being able to see the attachment I've added, he basically says he's against even minimal gun control measures, such as back ground checks.

Now for the record, I think the proposed majority of gun laws passed are not enough!

The UK and Australia had complete bans after similar incidents and we've been ok since.

But to top of his lunacy he says we should pray for victims, yes because that will help, won't it!

Fucking idiot!



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Attach Image/Video?: 

toto974's picture
Ahem, I think that the guy
Tin-Man's picture
Wow! PRAYING away the evil!
Randomhero1982's picture
I believe hitchens said it

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