Religious education

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SBMontero's picture
Religious education

"Education must be separated, without mixing the children. The children of wealthy families, called to go to universities and later to take over the reins of business, companies, practice free professions and occupy the highest positions of public administration, must be educated to achieve these goals.
Children who, because of their socio-economic background, have disadvantages, must be educated in respect for authority.
The Church must assume the education of both groups. We don't want to leave the less fortunate children in hands of an atheist state

Jorge Liberato Urosa - Caracas Archbishop (Venezuela)

We can find all this In speeches of education ministers of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet, the Argentine military junta... today in a Venezuelan archbishop mouth.

What do you think about religious education? Do you think it's better, or worse than secular education?



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algebe's picture
LogicFTW's picture
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