It's Saturday morning, you are just stretching as you are waking up, and thinking to yourself "what a nice sleep, what's in store for today?". Suddenly, your thought process is interrupted by a peculiar knock at the door. You put on your robe and check the door. To your surprise, a nicely dressed couple are standing on your doorstep. "Could they be from out of town and struggling to find the right address?" you ask yourself. You open the door--- BOOM! These people are here with a mission: to convert you to a faith that "can help you find the Lord, and the meaning of life". Although it may seem completely false by the fact that this "successful" faith has to take the time to recruit people by invading their homes, they claim to have the right answer. What do you do in a situation like this?
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Well, my wife would ask them in and then stop them at the "altar" she has on a table in the foyer and ask them if they would like to make an offering to the goddess Morrigan. And - hopefully - I would be hiding around the corner with my phone to get a video of the expression on their faces. Fun, fun, fun... LOL
I normally, wish a g'day then say either (depending time of day/mood I am in) Fekk off you eejits. or Thanks but I am ok for flim flam and snake oil, it was on special at the catholics....then firmly close the door.
After my Father died the JW's were like flies round a cess pit badgering my Mum, bringing their kids round the whole gamut. She rang me and I flew to her house from half a world away. Arrived just in time to receive their next visit. Now that was fun, it culminated with the elder slapping his hands over one child's ears while pronouncing me an antichrist before skeddadling in a flurry of leaflets and tithing agreements. Fuk em. They never returned. Busted.
I currently live in an over 55 development and some of the elderly here are bombarded with the fucking parasites of all stripes. Miserable cretinous scum they are, soliciting donations promising salvation. Bastards, I kick em out if I see them.
A sign at your gate or door " No Evangelizing!" will do! If it don't a gentle "Fuck off!" !
First I tell them I am an atheist, then I tell them to fuck off. Works every time. It is harassment, plain and simple.
Wow ! You guys are pretty rough !
I guess I'm just too friendly of a guy to be rude to them.
So while reading this thread, an idea popped into my head....
Maybe I'm going to sit down soon in front of my PC, and type out a few paragraphs about why I am an atheist... Why atheism is the only "truth".... Why religion is so destructive and divisive....
Then maybe a short list of recommended videos, books, and speakers...
So then why they start trying to hand me their literature, I am going to tell them, but wait !!!
I'll tell you what, if you give me your word, that you will read my literature word for word, and watch at least one of my favorite videos, I will totally do the same with your literature. (And I honestly will... I mean, I will honestly try.... Although that non sense tends to just not even stick in my head)
Then, on a parting word, I'm going to add that the difference in my beliefs and theirs is that I'm always totally open to something new. While Christians are stuck with an ancient scrapbook written by peasants that had no idea how the world worked. .
Well it all depends if I have some time then I get into dialogue with them, I am a former Christian I would like to hear what they have to say. Then I would give my opinion of things. Just plain and simple dialogue nothing more. nothing to get over excited about or confrontational. Just take the time to state your position and then sit back for a reply. Like first peter says in honesty and respect for one another.
So now you are a "former Christian" since Christmas day when you attended a "standing room only mass"?
Excuse me if my credulity does not stretch that far.
Have you mixed up your online identities today? The stories are well out of kilter
Troll you are. Troll you be
Make a fool of me
suffer will he.
" Like first peter says in honesty and respect for one another."
I respect their right to believe whatever makes them happy, I do not always respect the belief itself, as they're often absurd. I usually give a polite no thank you, but we don't get that many evangelists at the door, maybe I'm on some sort of list?
you woke up on the right side of the bed, maybe warm-up the morning with some rational arguments. who knows what will happen next.
If they were to wake me up they'd get an earful about it. Otherwise, I'd have to say "no thank you, don't come back" and shut the door. There's no point in extending the interaction or getting into any kind of debate or discussion with these people.
I was raised Italian catholic, christmas eve was a HUGE deal. On year as my grandmother was preparing dinner she was interrupted by several JW wanting to show her the true way. Well, she ripped into them, up one side and down the other. "How dare you interrupt MY Christmas", slammed the door in their faces and called it done. I guess I'd do the same, leaving out the christmas stuff of course.
It became clear to me many years ago that no one ever knocks on my door unexpectedly that I actually want to talk to.
Solar Sales. Magazine Sales. Landscaping Sales. Cleaning Product Sales, JWs, Mormons, Kids selling all manner of shit I don't want and never needed.
Anyone I actually WANT to talk to has my phone number and can text if they want me to come open up. So I just quit answering the door. Ever.
Unless I'm expecting a visitor or a package, they can ring the doorbell all day long. It's MY fucking door! I don't have to answer it.
Food for thought. ;0)
"Umm... no. We believe in the scientific method around here, go sell crazy someplace else." (Appalled, 'you must be a lunatic' look as I close the door)