Religion killing curiosity?

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PunKing's picture
Religion killing curiosity?

This is my first post on the website, but I would love to have a discussion about this topic. I believe that religion is actually killing the curiosity of young people, me being one of them at some point in time. I was a follower of the christian faith for 5-6 years leading up till I was about 11 or 12. When I was following the religion, I had no feeling to learn new topics, or hear other view points about what others opinions for the most part. Now, I'm a atheist who tends to discuss with others on a weekly basis about the topic, and listen to all viewpoints to try to have a better understanding, and try to find answers. What I would like to hear is what everyone's opinion on the topic is. I stand by mine that religion is killing the curiosity of anybody participating in it, especially the younger age group.

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ImFree's picture
I totally agree that religion
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
They promote the idea of, not
ImFree's picture
Many young people are not
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Atheists frequently wonder
Frrank's picture
Actually, I would just say
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
what do you mean you are
Frrank's picture
"what do you mean you are
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Jeff-- "If you doubt god then
Frrank's picture
So, if I believe something
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
That is the point, you should
Frrank's picture
You should amend your post to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You should amend your post to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Frrank's picture
Sure you can.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
as I said, not because a guy
Frrank's picture
"as I said, not because a guy
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Dr. Nasr, I do not know him,
Capt.Bobfm's picture
Religion kills curiosity, it
watchman's picture
I'm not sure that "Religion
Capt.Bobfm's picture
It seems that those who are
PunKing's picture
Couldn't of said it better
mysticrose's picture
I believe that it does kill
Zaphod's picture
I can not say with certainty
PunKing's picture
I can't say either that all

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