“I maintain that science is part and parcel humility.” - Demon Haunted World, by Carl Sagan, page 32
If Carl Sagan is correct here, and I would suggest that there is a great deal of truth in his remark, then atheists would be the most ANTI-scientific humans on earth.
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality.” - Ibid, page 29
“No contemporary religion and no New Age belief seems to me to take sufficient account of the grandeur, magnificence, subtlety, and intricacy of the universe revealed by science.” - Ibid, page 35
Had such a remark been made by a Christian, he would immediately be mocked and ridiculed for his "Argument from Incredulity."
Such is the relentless hypocrisy of atheists. They have "freedom of speech." Christians are "trolls." Atheists cite Bible verses to throw in Christians faces, no matter how irreverently atheists choose to interpret them, and not one atheist anywhere EVER whines about "quote mining" when that happens. But quote Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, or Charles Darwin and the "quote mining" whine rings loud and constant.
"Evolution is baseless and quite incredible." (Dr. John Ambrose Fleming, President, British Association for Advancement of Science, in "The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought")
"Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of being called hypotheses." (Dr. Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried (1971), p. 147)
"The theory [of evolution] is a scientific mistake." (Dr. Louis Agassiz, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966), p. 139. [Agassiz was a Harvard University professor and the pioneer in glaciation.]
"Unfortunately for Darwin's future reputation, his life was spent on the problem of evolution which is deductive by nature...It is absurd to expect that many facts will not always be irreconcilable with any theory of evolution and, today, every one of his theories is contradicted by facts." (Dr. P.T. Mora, The Dogma of Evolution, p. 194)
"George Bernard Shaw wisecracked once that Darwin had the luck to please everybody who had an axe to grind. Well, I also have an axe to grind, but I am not pleased. We have suffered through two world wars and are threatened by an Armageddon. We have had enough of the Darwinian fallacy. (Dr. Kenneth Hsu, "Reply," Geology, 15 (1987), p. 177)
"When students of other sciences ask us what is now currently believed about the origin of species, we have no clear answer to give. Faith has given way to agnosticism. Meanwhile, though our faith in evolution stands unshaken we have no acceptable account of the origin of species." (Dr. William Bateson, great geneticist of Cambridge)
"Chance renders evolution impossible." (Dr. James Coppedge)
Further on the subject of science as it pertains to Darwinism, the words of some eminent scientists in many different disciplines:
"I think in fifty years, Darwinian evolution will be gone from the science curriculum...I think people will look back on it and ask how anyone could, in their right mind, have believed this, because it's so implausible when you look at the evidence." (Dr. Johnathan Wells, author of the book, "Icons of Evolution")
"In conclusion, evolution is not observable, repeatable, or refutable, and thus does not qualify as either a scientific fact or theory." (Dr. David N. Menton, PhD in Biology from Brown University)
"The success of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific integrity." (Dr. W.R. Thompson, world renowned Entomologist)
More available, but as Richard Dawkins said, there is no need to "multiply up examples." One might think that with the millions Dawkins has earned on sales of his many books, he could afford to get his horrible teeth fixed, but one would be wrong to think so.
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GID, what is your purpose for posting this? Is there something in it you wish to debate? What, specifically, if so?
Why did you not ask that question of the poster who provided a link on the story of a new catalyst for separating hydrogen from water? Was there something he wished to debate? What, specifically, if so? You see, you atheists have an extremely hypocritical set of values. Any time one of your own says something, you accept it with open arms and minds. Any time your hated "fundies" who believe in the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" says something - anything - you attack it from every angle imaginable, and you so outnumber the "fundie" that he cannot POSSIBLY respond to his every attacker. Those who are ignored press their challenge: "Why didn't you respond to MY challenge, huh, huh, huh?"
Your atheist friend made a point in posting the link to the new catalyst. I made several points which need to be made and repeated, and not simply dismissed, as always, by atheist rhetoric.
Atheists ALWAYS drive Christians away, after an initial welcome greeting, which is of course meaningless. I have yet to read the post of any other "fundie" anywhere here. There IS NO "debate" in this "debate room". It's quite impossible. That is my point.
I post about science and technology all the time. Sometimes is sparks a debate, other times it doesn't. I'm far from being anti-science, I find science to be enjoyable. You say science is spiritual, then prove it? Can you prove your god created anything? Is the bible your only source of proof? Can you only prove your god by faith?
You misinterpret and then pretend you're enlightening.
I quoted Carl Sagan who said science is spiritual. Do you doubt ANYTHING Sagan ever said?
Why don't you start making some sense, instead of simply coming out against anything I say, hmmm?
And of course your "god" is nothing. You worship nothing, which easily made everything.
Prove how, Mister Prove This and Prove That.
So, is your purpose with this post then, to verbally spank folks who identify as atheist?
GID, please answer this. I'd very much like to know your purpose for posting in the Debate Forum of AR.
1. To stand up to the relentless bullying, condescension, dishonesty, and ignorance of atheists.
That should be enough, but it is not.
2. My purpose is also to give Christians and atheists alike a perspective and some ideas which they most likely have not heard.
3. I also intend to sow seeds of doubt into cock-sure atheists who know everything.
Everyone has doubts about eternal questions. It's unavoidable, I think. But the difference one sees in response between Christians and atheists is very telling. It follows the fascinating observation by Elie Wiesel: "There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent."
Every Christian will be deeply saddened by the suffering atheist souls will endure. Deeply saddened.
Meanwhile atheists can only make fun, mock, ridicule, and spew vulgar epithets and condemnation here on earth.
I think you're catching on...
Is not the purpose with all atheist posts to verbally spank folks who identify as non-atheist?
Yes, yes it is, that and proclaim themselves the most brilliant, scientific, rational creatures in the universe.
Well, I think you are wrong. I think you have decided somethings that are untrue. You're not the Lone Ranger in that, of course.
You have become boring. Say okay bye now.
GD, all your accusations of what atheists are like can be found in your own posts. For someone e who sands a civil and respectful debate, your not very civil and respectful. Also, I have read over and over many valid challenges to your propositions, yet you fail to answer them. Are you here just to whine and complain and state claims with no evidence to back them up?
Oops, WiFi was going in and out, where I wrote sands I meant damands.
To an extent I take my hat of to those willing to debate religious idiots here. As I've said before though. You can't argue with the deluded. And frankly I can't be arsed to waste my time.
GID, what a pile of bullshit. Is there a question here?
Carl Sagan was a scientist and an atheist. So you failed with your illogic.
Quote GID: More available, but as Richard Dawkins said, there is no need to "multiply up examples."
Examples of other people's opinions?
I don't think there is any more 'condescension, arrogance or hypocrisy' (relentless or not) from non-believers than from religionists.
Why should anyone take the arguments for and "proofs" of an Abrahamic god (or any other man-made myth) any more seriously than those for witchcraft or soothsayers? That isn't being condescending, arrogant or hypocritical, it is being reasonable.
Indoctrinating a child into a religion is far worse than any accusation you make about non-believers. I'm sorry if you find us discreditable in any way.
By the way, you're an atheist too about gods of which you are dismissive.
I find GiD's vehemence quite amusing. He is trying so hard.
chimp3: "I find GiD's vehemence quite amusing."
I enjoyed his list of achievements and qualifications. I once heard a candidate at an election debate in New Zealand reel off a list like that. He was a pilot, an electrician, a plumber, a pilates instructor, a chef, a meditation instructor.... After the first couple of minutes people's eyes started to glaze over, and then as he continued the audience began to laugh. By the time he got to brain surgeon and funeral celebrant the room was in uproar.
If he was so confident he was right, he would not be getting upset, it would just be amusing to him, like it is to us. With his growing "ignore" lists, rants and whining that he is not treated nicely etc. It all points to someone deeply troubled with what anonymous people has to say about the theist/atheist debate.
Meh, prob just a troll; but that is the kicker. It is difficult to tell the difference.
The thought crossed my mind as well.
If genius is disruptive is actually a troll I almost admire his dedication. Usually trolls get bored and stop putting in all the effort. Also they usually want attention, so I suppose I am "feeding" the troll now.
But putting everyone on his" ignore list" and stop responding to those , will kill the conversation about him in the end. /shrug.
Yeah, I'm still working to get myself on the list.
Does this site even have an "ignore" function?
You are on it.
Pseudo "ignore list" fellow *high five*
woot woot!