Reasoning With Walls: Leaving The Home Religion

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AgainstWishes's picture
Reasoning With Walls: Leaving The Home Religion

So my parents divorced when I was three or four, but I've only been around Christianity (many branches) during the periods where both parents dated. My dad (still dating her) met a woman who was catholic but didn't practice, and my mother met a man who was some form of Christian (They aren't married) and for a while, I believed in Baptist beliefs, but when I was nine it all kind of clicked that centuries ago, we didn't have science. We instead created deities responsible for us. Oh, who makes flashing clouds? Let's make a really important thing do that, call it Zeus. What if we die? Oh, we get to go some place that's paradise. But now we have science. My mother recently remarried (I live with her, I am in high school.) to a Mormon man, and he is not open to my opinions (live how you want, love who you want, be who you want.) I baptised into his church AFTER my mom bribed me, and I never felt religious. I attempted to back out but she didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the church. She is making me attend Seminary, although with marching band, I only go MWF. I want to tell her that I'm a weak atheist (I simply don't care for church, gods, worship, my life is simple and easy without worrying about sin.) except I can't even talk to her about grades without being interrupted, stopped, and then having her husband be brought into it, mind you he baptised me. She has clapped her hand over my mouth in the past when I was extremely emotionally frustrated. It is indeed like talking to a wall, and I don't know how to get the words out that I don't want religion. Last time I tried, she said until I was eighteen, my ass was going to church. Having it forced on me doesn't help with not wanting to be religious either. Any advice on how to tell my mother I do not wish to have religion would be greatly appreciated.

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Harley---You already(as an
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Hi Harley
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Welcome to the site Harley.
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Bob-There you go again-

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