Reality comes to roost

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CyberLN's picture
Reality comes to roost

From the article: “Matheson acknowledged his work has hurt some people, but he would not fully renounce “conversion therapy.” Instead, he blamed what he referred to as the “shame-based, homophobic-based system” of the Mormon church in which he was raised.”

It seems this church may have one of the worst records for its current treatment of LBGTQ, and islam.

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arakish's picture
Ever wonder why I omit the
CyberLN's picture
Well, I don’t think of all
arakish's picture
You are right, I worded it
CyberLN's picture
Nice rewording.
shiningone's picture
@ CyberLN
CyberLN's picture
Start a new string on it then
arakish's picture
@ shiningone
shiningone's picture
yeah, he was right and I have
algebe's picture
CyberLN's picture
Yes, good point, Algebe. It
algebe's picture
@CyberLN: It’s so sad that
arakish's picture
And Christianity ain't no
Empedocles's picture
arakish's picture
@ Empedocles
Sheldon's picture
Yes those damn atheists with
LogicFTW's picture
I cant believe christians
David Killens's picture
You aren't worth the time of
gupsphoo's picture
AJ777's picture
Is it possible one to be
Tin-Man's picture
@AJ777 Re: "Is it possible
CyberLN's picture
Interesting question.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ AJ777
arakish's picture
My wife and I were the same
gupsphoo's picture
algebe's picture
@AJ777: Is it possible one to
Empedocles's picture
Sheldon's picture
It might be smarter for you
algebe's picture
@Empedocles: You're thanking
Sheldon's picture
@Empedocles: You're thanking
David Killens's picture


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