Question to theists: Do you consider music a tool of satan?

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ImFree's picture
Question to theists: Do you consider music a tool of satan?

Do you consider music (especially the birth of rock and roll) a tool of the devil? Here is a link to a video that discusses the topic:

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chimp3's picture
All the best music is

All the best music is affiliated with Satan.

algebe's picture
chimp3: "All the best music

chimp3: "All the best music is affiliated with Satan."

I'll bet he's a great fan of hymn music, especially "Onward Christian Soldiers."

Alembé's picture
Well, since there is no

Well, since there is no evidence for the devil (see: no evidence for god, etc...), then, no.

ImFree's picture
Jerry Lee Lewis one of the

Jerry Lee Lewis one of the early rock and roll pioneers has always lived an amusing double life. He is a cousin of Jimmy Swaggart a preacher who benefited being the cousin of the early rock star. Although Jerry Lee lives a double life a least he is honest about it to some degree. The same cannot be said of Swaggart. Here is video of Jerry Lee Lewis's younger sister singing in a sexy dress years ago at Panther Hall. I wonder if Swaggart gave her and Jerry a bad time about it? I bet the family had some lively discussions over the years: I wonder what was said between Lewis and Swaggart when Swaggart was caught with prostitutes two times. I can't find much on that topic.

ImFree's picture
Just for grins I wanted to

Just for grins I wanted to add this video of Swaggart when he was caught with a prostitute:
LOL...the story continued since he was later caught a second time after his public confession the first time.

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