A Question For Supernaturalists

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Calilasseia's picture
A Question For Supernaturalists

Several of us here have repeatedly observed the phenomenon, of supernaturalists treating their various choices of mythology as not merely containing scientific and historical fact, but as the product of a fantastically gifted entity (invariably the entity in question being asserted to exist in the self same mythologies) purportedly responsible for fabricating an entire universe and its contents.

For those supernaturalists who wonder why we regard this treatment of mythology as fact with deep suspicion, you might want to ponder the following.

The mythologies you adhere to, contain assertions about the natural world and its contents, that are not merely wrong in the light of modern scientific knowledge, but fatuous and absurd in that light. As a corollary, not only is the provenance of those mythologies as a purported source of genuine "knowledge" extremely suspect, but so is the assertion that said mythologies were in any way connected to any genuinely existing fantastically gifted entity.

First, if supernaturalists were presented with any other body of text, purporting to contain genuine knowledge about the universe and its contents, but which was found upon close examination to contain elementary and ridiculous errors, the same supernaturalists would dismiss any claims from that text in an instant. Yet they manifestly do not apply the same judgement to their chosen mythologies. Apart from being a brazen double standard, and a direct violation of any proper approach to discourse, this dichotomy is itself manifestly absurd.

Second, do supernaturalists really think, that any genuinely existing fantastically gifted entity, would allow manifest errors of this sort to appear in any "sacred" work attributed to it? Because if they do, they are not only amplifying the absurdity already cited, they are, by their own standard, cheapening their gods.

Third, and worse still, in the case of fantastic entities asserted to be "omniscient", and in particular, to possess perfect foreknowledge of the future, an entity of this sort would know in advance that allowing such errors to appear in any "sacred" work attributed thereto, would be subject to later dissection by the scientists that said entity must surely have known would arise. Such an entity would know in advance, that errors of this sort would be discovered and exposed in the future.

One cannot even resort to the excuse, that these erroneous assertions constituted purported "simplifications" of relevant concepts aimed at an audience with limited understanding, and in need of accessible analogies. Because genuine analogies do not present within them assertions that are plain, flat, wrong, at least not if constructed competently. Given that scientists in the modern era have been able to make difficult concepts, such as, for example, Calabi-Yau manifolds, accessible to a public with only an elementary level of education, surely it was not beyond the remit of any genuinely existing god-type entity to do the same, and in the process, perform at least an elementary proofreading of whichever mythology is attributed thereto?

The fact that said proofreading and elimination of manifest, absurd error observably did not take place in the requisite mythologies, on its own renders several supernaturalist assertions null and void. This appearance of manifest error, renders null and void any assertion that the mythologies in question are repositories of genuine, substantive knowledge about the universe and its contents. It renders null and void any assertion that the mythologies in question were the product of a fantastically gifted entity, with an intellect far surpassing that of even our greatest scientists.

Indeed, the whole idea that a god type entity would need to communicate via mythology, on its own is suspect. Why not simply arrange for the requisite information to be presented in a straightforward work of non-fiction, one that could be cross-checked and verified with respect to its concordance with observational reality? One that, furthermore, provides instructions on how to bootstrap the scientific endeavour from scratch, and determine for ourselves that the contents of this work are indeed something special?

I have yet to see any supernaturalist address this issue with anything other than the usual apologetic fabrications and rhetorical spells. Consequently, any amongst that ilk who think they can do so, are advised to toss said fabrications and spells into the bin before posting, because their appearance here will be treated by many with well-deserved scorn and derision.

Now, can any supernaturalist come here and address this embarrassing issue?

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algebe's picture
I think the existence of the
Sheldon's picture
"reason and science are such
Cognostic's picture
@Calilasseia, I'm betting
Tin-Man's picture
dogalmighty's picture
@ cal
LogicFTW's picture
@Calilasseia OP
Delaware's picture
@ Calilasseia
Calilasseia's picture
It's time to launch another
LogicFTW's picture
rat spit's picture
Calilasseia's picture
Hmm. But what about my fellow
rat spit's picture
Cognostic's picture
Good and bad are labels we
rat spit's picture
Cognostic's picture
@rat spit: Not one book.


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rat spit's picture
Cognostic's picture


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rat spit's picture
Delaware's picture
@ Calilasseia
Calilasseia's picture
Item one. A supernaturalist,
Tin-Man's picture
@Cali Re: Genesis smackdown
Delaware's picture
@ Calilasseia
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@ Jo
Delaware's picture
@ Old man shouts
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Jo
NewSkeptic's picture
Delaware's picture
@ NewSkeptic
NewSkeptic's picture
@ Jo.
LogicFTW's picture
Calilasseia's picture
If atheists who are neo-


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