A question about fallacies

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aaaaaaaaa232's picture
A question about fallacies

An appeal to ignorance is a commonly used counter-argument by theists. The argument is there is no proof against X(god) so X(god exists). The problem is some people claim that saying " There is no evidence for there being a god so I do not believe" is also an appeal to ignorance. I am not sure if it is because I believe that the existence of god would be the claim. I say that because the idea of a god is taught and a human is born atheist. Could someone please explain to me whether saying there is a god or saying that there is not is the claim. And also if disbelief of a claim due to lack of evidence is also an appeal to ignorance.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
An appeal to ignorance is a
Cognostic's picture
Franco: NO> The problem is
Sheldon's picture
"There is no evidence for
JazzTheist's picture
However, all of this depends
toto974's picture
"but I can always argue that
JazzTheist's picture
''Read carefully, slowly what
toto974's picture
Being written in the first
JazzTheist's picture
''Being written in the first
toto974's picture
"I don't need to, because the
JazzTheist's picture
''You are asserting some,
toto974's picture
I must have missread then, so
JazzTheist's picture
My Caesar argument is
LogicFTW's picture
I have said this before to
JazzTheist's picture
I have also said these before
Nyarlathotep's picture
JazzTheist - the ultimate
JazzTheist's picture
Yes, you've got the idea;
Nyarlathotep's picture
JazzTheist - the ultimate
arakish's picture
Or how about this one?
JazzTheist's picture
But the word ''shit'' isn't
Nyarlathotep's picture
and this one:
JazzTheist's picture
Still, doesn't say anything
JazzTheist's picture
All you've demonstrated is
Nyarlathotep's picture
the ultimate source has to
JazzTheist's picture
No it doesn't; as I've
arakish's picture
You have shown what? Please
Sheldon's picture
"naturalistic means don't
JazzTheist's picture
I don't commit the argument
arakish's picture
Are you a pathological liar,
Sheldon's picture
In fact, atheism is
Cognostic's picture
Seriously, Why is this troll


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