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brainpain's picture

Just came here from your facebook page and got a Question: How do you justify saying you KNOW that there is no God. In my Opinion it is not possible to proove a God / higher being, neither to proove he's not existing. You cannot tell if there is some old man with a beard, who sits in heaven and does not care for us humans.
I personally dont believe there is a god, but there is no way to know it, so I cannot say, "there is no God", which is basically the position of atheists.

So is there any real reason to prefer atheism to agnosticism ?

Would love to get some good answers, got no "real" atheists as Friends, so no possibility for me to discuss this in real life.

My English should be understandable, but sorry for grammatical errors and horrible spelling style :)

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Zhivago16's picture
In my opinion, absolute
Samson's picture
Atheism is nothing like a
AbbasBagwala's picture
The best position, by far, is
Ben54's picture
So first of all, you're right
alpha_mailman's picture
I don't want to repeat what
Samson's picture
Agnosticism & atheism are not
judy's picture
"An injustice anywhere is an
judy's picture
zaibe1's picture
first of all i know that this
hwi2's picture
Holy wars are everywhere.
judy's picture
Please see Alliance
judy's picture
Quickly listen and then stop
zaibe1's picture
now hear this number one god
TIM WEST's picture
Is brainpain hiding something
Randolf Richardson's picture
It's actually simple, despite
aMan's picture
IMHO, atheism is not about a
rvr14's picture
when I was childhood my
hwi2's picture
Interesting take. It is nice
hwi2's picture
Thanks, everyone. I was
dtommy79's picture
I believe there is a God.
catandmouse's picture
There are various religions
hwi2's picture
I have believed in God since
catandmouse's picture
I have personally gone
Serjaydee's picture
One proof that there is no
catandmouse's picture
Its not that God wants his
Rob's picture
I think the best way to go
catandmouse's picture
Yeah ,I somewhat agree with
SammyShazaam's picture
I think that's a good belief
SammyShazaam's picture
The best answers have
DarkLight's picture
I beleive atheism can be a


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