Public Dangers From Theology

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Chris T.'s picture
Public Dangers From Theology

I'm from a very small town in southeast Arkansas, wait let me finish, and in the past week a very controversial issue occurred. A local pastor thought it would be a great idea to go to Africa to preach to the victims of the Ebola outbreak. Of course, the two sides are, go do gods work as he commanded and no, you are risking contaminating our town. As you may have guessed, people taken to social media for the debate. I engaged into the conversation sharing my view that it was not a good idea and a religious agenda is no excuse for potentially spreading a deadly virus. Then it happened, a woman told me I should read the bible so I would know it said, "If God is with you no plague can harm you." Not sure if that's the exact verse. So my question is, Is this mentality a threat? The way I see it, what happens if someone with the same belief is in a place of power? What do we do when the CDC tells us to go get baptized instead of taking measures based on reality? Also, what can we do when 80% of a small town is encouraging a citizen to possibly bring home a lethal virus on the premise that , "God wanted him to."

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CyberLN's picture
Hi Chris. Welcome.
Nyarlathotep's picture
hmm an interesting point (if
Zaphod's picture
Damn, beat me to it^^^
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea, support the idea for him
SonOh1's picture
Government cannot be
Chris T.'s picture
But, its still can spread and
Chris T.'s picture
But, its still can spread and
Zaphod's picture
All kidding aside, yeah,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You have to understand,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea, your point is valid
Ellie Harris's picture
Faith is not a reliable
Zaphod's picture
Chris T., I just wanted to
mysticrose's picture
That bible verse is not
jbjs40's picture
This is not only
Chris T.'s picture
I'm not sure about him, but
Ellie Harris's picture
' We have to accept the fact

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