psychology of atheism?

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mysticrose's picture
psychology of atheism?

Hey atheists here, I just found a paper here : the paper discusses what are the factors that causes one to become an atheist. Although I don't generally agree because it's a free choice but the author got some point in the paper. What can you say?

here's one of the parts:
"Besides abuse, rejection, or cowardice, one way in which a father can be seriously defective is simply by not being there. Many children, of course, interpret death of their father as a kind of betrayal or an act of desertion. In this respect it is remarkable that the pattern of a dead father is so common in the lives of many prominent atheists."

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Travis Hedglin's picture
I could write an equally
Frrank's picture
I think the only person
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Atheists are such a diverse
Frrank's picture
It may be that atheists have
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"what are the factors that
mysticrose's picture
This paper is obviously bias
Jayden Xray's picture
The premise behind his work

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