Proving the foundation for God's existence

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RedleT's picture
The Bible was not written
mykcob4's picture
BULLSHIT! The oldest "bible"
Sky Pilot's picture
Dumb Ox,
xenoview's picture
Stephen's picture
Ultimately, historical
LogicFTW's picture
There is always archaeology,
Stephen's picture
The claim is often made that
LogicFTW's picture
What sort of historical
Sky Pilot's picture
algebe's picture
@LogicforTW: "But we do have
mykcob4's picture
No historical documents DON'T
algebe's picture
@Christian4251: "we would
Stephen's picture
As far as " The flying
LogicFTW's picture
I agree with this post.
Stephen's picture
It is impossible to live (as
Nyarlathotep's picture
Christian4251 - The same goes
mykcob4's picture
What a bunch of BULLSHIT!
xenoview's picture
Do you have any testable
publicab12's picture
I entered this forum sevral
publicab12's picture
if god in the bible really
RedleT's picture
Parmenides Is wrong in his
LogicFTW's picture
I feel its kind of hopeless
publicab12's picture
Dumb Ox
RedleT's picture
I am going to gone over the
bigbill's picture
there is no way to prove gods
curtisabass's picture
Ah, hell. It's summer and
bigbill's picture
please all you Christians
CyberLN's picture
Science follower, theists are
bigbill's picture
I believe in the big bang
publicab12's picture
Dumb Ox


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