Protein Made With Electricity Could Ease World Hunger

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xenoview's picture
Protein Made With Electricity Could Ease World Hunger

Science once again has made a great discovery. Finnish scientists have produced a single-cell protein using electricity and carbon dioxide that can be developed for use as human food and animal feed.

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MCDennis's picture
science is cool

science is cool

xenoview's picture
Science at it's best, solving

Science at it's best, solving the world hungry problem. No god required to help out.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
something from nothing? lol

something from nothing? lol
science is wonderful.

xenoview's picture

It comes from something, just read the article from the link.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
I know, it was a joke.

I know, it was a joke.
Hence the 'lol' at the end.

K FRAME's picture
Soylent Green would make an

Soylent Green would make an excellent filler for this product.

xenoview's picture

You do know what soylent green was made of? I doubt most people at this forum knows what soylent green was made of.


algebe's picture
According to the movie, it's

According to the movie, it's a snack bar made from recycled people. When the movie came out, the dystopian world it portrayed was 50 years in the future. Now it's just five years away. Pessimism was popular in the 60s and 70s. We expected all kinds of bad things in the future, but never in our wildest nightmares did we imagine a world of reality TV and Kardashians.

chimp3's picture
This article raises questions

This article raises questions :

"Finnish scientists have produced a single-cell protein using electricity and carbon dioxide that can be developed for use as human food and animal feed."

Notice the term "single cell protein". A life form?


"“In practice, all the raw materials are available from the air."

In practice? You can grow a "single cell" from the air?

"Control of the process involves adjustment and modelling of renewable energy so as to enable the microbes to grow as well as possible."

So , they are growing microbes from the air? I don't think so. Maybe they are growing yeast or algae in some medium and are generating nutritional substance for the microbes from CO2 and electricity.

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