Prosperity Preachers, Evangelists and Donald Trump

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Anonymous's picture
Prosperity Preachers, Evangelists and Donald Trump

I don't think hardly anyone will respond to this post because you morons would rather debate Adam and Eve and the talking snake, or what is the "soul" or about someone who says they went to heaven and came back or the idiot who said he experienced the afterlife and other such nonsense. I tried with little success to post a discussion about religion and conservative politics but you dopes would rather debate Adam and Eve and the talking snake. So I will narrow my discussion about Prosperity Preachers Evangelists and Donald Trump. Recently Donald Trump was welcomed by many prosperity preachers and other evangelists. You would think how good Christian bible believing preachers could support an egomaniac, materialistic, slobbering, pathetic asshole, dumbass fucking jerk, like Donald Trump???? Yet as hard as it would seem that these "Christians" would praise Donald Trump--they did with glowing support and admiration.. "How is this conceivable????? ... The reason these Christians support Donald Trump is the flaw in their character that makes them prosperity preachers fits into the flaw in what Donald Trump is. Birds of a feather flock together.. This discussion (if you decide to participate), lends itself to a further debate about Christianity and conservative politics which I tried to initiate before but you assholes ignored despite being a pithy subject..........God Bless

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Travis Hedglin's picture
Yes, yes, we are all idiots.

Yes, yes, we are all idiots. Furthermore, all the people you are talking about are idiots. You want a fucking cookie? Too bad, the bell hasn't rung yet, Pavlov.

Anonymous's picture
Travis-I couldn't say it

Travis-I couldn't say it better YES, YES, WE ARE ALL IDIOTS--Exactly what I was saying!!!! God Bless

Vincent Paul Tran's picture
the only time those people

the only time those people had an impact on public policy was when they got bush jr. in office. it's like ignoring the neo-nazis - I don't care because they don't matter

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