This is based on something that hit me in response to another thread by a user no longer whith us...
Something from nothing or a past-eternal something?
This is a question for the atheists here.
What is more plausible to you: that the natural world (matter and energy) was produced by literally nothing (i.e. nonbeing)--or that the natural world, including all its processes, extends infinitely into the past such that there is no moment where one can say "there was no matter and energy causally prior to this moment."?
arakish (me)
Tin-Man: I still prefer my ginormous Cosmic Bunnies theory.
So do I. At least it is more plausible than anything s/he has presented.
Here is something for y'all's consideration.
What happens when you are close to a massive gravitational force? Time dilation, right?
Well, if you take the "entire" universe of mass (hell, include the hypothetical dark matter and dark energy if you want) and compress it into an infinite singularity? Don't you get a true infinite gravity source? If time slows as you approach a true infinite gravity source, won't time itself become infinitely dilated to the point it is stopped, or becomes infinite? If time becomes infinite at an infinite gravity source, that means the universe IS infinitely old. It has ALWAYS existed. Just that it is in an "expanded state" at this current occurrence.
@Arakish Re: Infinity explanation
Ouch. I think I just sprain my noodle. May need a second cup of coffee before trying to handle that. Still freakin' cool, though.
Now I elaborate a little more. Please realize I am NOT a professional Astrophysicist. However, Astrophysics has been a life-long hobby, and I have had a quite a few college classes. In fact, my first degree was in Geology with Astrophysics as a Minor.
According to the Laws of Physics (Natural World) as we currently understand them, a Black Hole is infinitely dense and infinitely massive. Let us just assume that as one approaches the Event Horizon, he is somehow protected from the effect of "spaghettification." Although we know of no way to prevent spaghettification, for this thought experiment, let's assume it can be. As one approaches the Event Horizon, time dilates, or slows down. To an observer from the "outside," the person approaching the Event Horizon appears to slow down. Once he gets to the Event Horizon, to the outside observer, he slows down to a literal stop. He appears to take "forever" to cross the Event Horizon.
However, from the relative perspective of the one approaching the Event Horizon, time appears normal and the universe seems to speed up. He eventually does cross the Event Horizon and continues on to the singularity. Remember, this singularity is infinitely dense and infinitely massive; thus, it also has infinite gravity. If a massive gravity source slows down time, then once the singularity is achieved, the infinite gravity infinitely dilates time until it is infinitely slowed. Basically, time becomes infinite.
According to the Big Bang Theory, which I prefer to call the Universal Expansion Theory, EVERYTHING within the universe as we know it today existed in a Singularity that is infinitely more massive and infinitely more dense than any Black Hole. In fact, all those Black Holes would also be infinitely compressed into this Singularity. Basically, you can look at this Infinite Point of Singularity as being the largest form of all Infinities: Infinity raised to infinity ad infinitum.
In other words, this Infinite Point of Singularity would cause Time itself to become infinite. And if Time is infinite, that would mean that the universe IS infinitely old and has ALWAYS existed.
Now, where is your God?
P.S. — Shame myusernamekthx ain't around to see this... But everyone here can have fun tearing this apart.
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