Proof for the Torah

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Proud Jewish boy's picture
Titus isn't part of my bible,

Titus isn't part of my bible, it is perhaps part of the Christian New Testament

Sky Pilot's picture
Proud Jewish boy,

Proud Jewish boy,

According to the Jewish Babylonian Talmud in Sanhedrin 90a those who read the New Testament will not have a portion in the world to come.

In Shabbath 116a it says that the Jews must destroy the New Testament.

So I can understand why you reject the New Testament books. You have been taught to hate and destroy them. In late May of 2008 some Jews burned hundreds of New Testaments in the city of Or-Yehuda. "ORTHODOX ISRAELI YOUTHS BURN HUNDREDS OF NEW TESTAMENTS" May 20, 2008
April 16, 2017

chimp3's picture
You still have not convinced

You still have not convinced me of why I should give a shit what your bloodthirsty tyrant in the sky said or did.

Proud Jewish boy's picture
Do you know what relative and

Do you know what relative and absolute morality is or not?

chimp3's picture
Provide one absolute moral

Provide one absolute moral principle.

Proud Jewish boy's picture
The nation as a whole was

The nation as a whole was exiled and shifted to Babylon. I have already responded to your other questions on that. I'm answering here bc it's more convenient for me when the discussion is at the end.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Proud Jewish boy - The nation

Proud Jewish boy - The nation as a whole was exiled and shifted to Babylon.

OK, was the nation as a whole exiled during the Roman exile?

Proud Jewish boy's picture
We already went through that,

We already went through that, should I copy and paste here or can you look back

Nyarlathotep's picture
I asked a very simple

I asked a very simple question. I was hoping for a yes or a no. Could you please give me one? Or at least say something to it?

Proud Jewish boy's picture
First of all, the exile was a

First of all, the exile was a direct result from Roman persecution which continued after the destruction. Most the Jews then moved to Babylon and eventually to all four corners of the earth.
Secondly, even if the exile wasn't the result of Romans that wouldn't be problematic. The verse only said that they will be disposed of their land and scattered around the world - which happened. Something which hasn't happened to the vast majority of nations was predicted and happened to the Jews!

Nyarlathotep's picture
Proud Jewish boy - Most the

Proud Jewish boy - Most the Jews then moved

Should I take that as a no? Help me out here.

Proud Jewish boy's picture
Yes, the nation was exiled

Yes, the nation was exiled

Nyarlathotep's picture
Please try to answer the

Proud Jewish boy - Yes, the nation was exiled

I can't believe I have to ask again. Please try to answer the question that was asked, not the question you want to answer:

Again: was the nation as a whole exiled?

Proud Jewish boy's picture
YES (for the fourth time)

YES (for the fourth time)

Nyarlathotep's picture
No, the nation as a whole was

No, the nation as a whole was not exiled, as I pointed out before; despite your claims to the contrary:

Wikipedia - History of the Jews in the Roman Empire - In spite of the failure of the Bar Kokhba revolt, Jews remained in the land of Israel in significant numbers.

The commentaries of the amoraim upon the Mishnah are compiled in the Jerusalem Talmud, which was completed around 400 AD, probably in Tiberias.

In 351, the Jewish population in Sepphoris, under the leadership of Patricius, started a revolt against the rule of Constantius Gallus


Proud Jewish boy's picture
The exile began around the

The exile began around the third century a.d. and continued until the Jews were everywhere around the world. For some reason you insist that the exile must take full swing right away, Idk where you get that from, definitely not from Deuteronomy 28... I reiterate that this is not a predictable prophecy as this hasn't happened to the vast majority of nations (especially the size of the Jewish Nation)..

Nyarlathotep's picture
Proud Jewish boy - For some

Proud Jewish boy - For some reason you insist that the exile must take full swing right away

A nasty strawman. I have not said that, suggested that, and I certainly don't believe that. Please constrain yourself to what I've said; not what you want me to say.

I'm saying; at no point in the last 2500 years, has there been a time where Jews weren't living in Israel/Palastine/(whatever you want to call the region); despite that fact that (at least according to you) the Torah prophesied that the whole nation would be exiled. Therefore, that prophecy is false (at least your characterization of it is false). To salvage this "proof" you need to remove that part.

Proud Jewish boy's picture
The Torah does not specify

The Torah does not specify that the entire nation without exclusion will be exiled. This is what it says: God will take you (referring to the Jews) and your king to a nation afar... And God will spread you...
Only a small minority remained/settled in Israel. ENTIRE doesn't need to mean 100% in our context but entire as opposed to the other exiled, such as Crimeans and polish and Turkish etc, of whom only a small population of theirs was exiled. The vast majority of Jews however were exiled as predicted to the Jews as a whole.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Proud Jewish boy - ENTIRE

Proud Jewish boy - ENTIRE doesn't need to mean 100%

I really don't know what to say to that. Maybe this will help:

Cambridge Dictionary : entire- whole or complete, with nothing lacking...

Webster : entire- having no element or part left out : whole
entire: complete in degree : total

MacMillian Dictionary : entire- used for emphasizing that you mean all or every part of something

Collins Dictionary : entire- not lacking any of the parts; whole
entire- complete; thorough; absolute

Proud Jewish boy's picture
Do you really have no idea of

Do you really have no idea of the idea of relativity? "It was raining so badly that the streets were ENTIRELY empty!" Or "the ENTIRE room was going crazy and just dancing away" is part of our regular vocabulary. I wonder if you quoted all those dictionaries last time you heard those statements or similar (let alone when you say such statements)...!

Nyarlathotep's picture
Ah yes, more evidence that

Ah yes, more evidence that you place fast and loose with your words/"proofs".

Proud Jewish boy's picture
What in the world are you

What in the world are you saying? You became from an intellectual debater to a hater...
Do you want to discuss further logically or did you give up with logic?
Let me know so that I don't waste my time with you..

Nyarlathotep's picture
Fix your damn proof if you

Retract your previous proof, fix it, and post it. Why would I want to discuss a proof that says a whole nation was exiled when we know it wasn't? Should be an easy fix, maybe 2 or 3 minutes tops.

Proud Jewish boy's picture
Prophecy: and God will lead

Prophecy: and God will lead you and your king to a nation... And he will spread you... To the corners of the earth...

Fulfillment: precisely. The nation was exiled first primarily to Babylon (70 - 300 A.D.) and from there eventually spread about to the entire world. As of today (or 1948) the Jewish people are the only major exiled peoples. Ironically thus was prophesied.

Proud Jewish boy's picture
Honestly, are you not shocked

Honestly, are you not shocked that this rare thing that happened to the Jews was prophesied? Put you beliefs and agendas aside, are you really not shocked?

Randomhero1982's picture
Your asking people to debate

Your asking people to debate logically and yet your only point of reference is the Torah... which is not evidentiary proof of anything.

You say Israel was fertile, and your corroborating evidence? Your book!
You make other claims and yet again, all answered with sections from your book.

You are living a life literally following the ramblings of peasants from thousands of years ago and expecting modern people with a grasp science and on the scientific method to take what you say at face value with nothing to prove your position... no evidence, no pier review, no double blind studies... there is simply nothing there to support your assertion.

Religion/gods cannot be proven or tested and when ever a believer is pointed to this, they soon spin a wonderful strawman.

Essentially an argument from ignorance.

biggus dickus's picture
Well he did say that Josephus

Well he did say that Josephus mentioned that the land was fertile.

Proud Jewish boy's picture
Israel was clearly fertile.

Israel was clearly fertile. The Torah mentions it as a side point (meaning with no intention to fulfill any prophecies with that statement). Also Josephus says it.

biggus dickus's picture
But for the sake of argument,

But for the sake of argument, lets say the Torah is right, So then, which Abrahamic religion is the correct one?

Proud Jewish boy's picture
Obviously, it's the one that

Obviously, it's the one that keeps the laws of the Torah. That is only Judaism. Christianity and Islam don't keep the Torah


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