Proof There Is No God

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Alan Travis's picture
Proof There Is No God

1. You can't prove, to the satisfaction of atheists, that God exists. Therefore there is no God.
2. Christians often sin. Therefore there is no God.
See how easy this is!
3. There are many religions, and atheists only believe in one less than you. Therefore there is no God.

Most atheists show themselves to be angry, hateful, intolerant, and unintelligent. Of course there are exceptions, but they profess to be wise while acting otherwise.

Atheist condescension, hatred, and misrepresentations are anti-science and anti-intellectual.

The ultimate argument made by atheists is an infinite regression, which is utterly and demonstrably irrational. Atheists demand, "Who made God?" Well then who made God's maker? Who made the maker's maker, and so on ad infinitum. It's absurd, and they pretend it's clever.

Nature's God, as expressed in America's Declaration of Independence, had no maker. God is simply inexplicable and incomprehensible to us because He is forever beyond the ken of science, which is but one of His creations.

Simply because things are not understood, cannot be understood, does not mean that they are not possible. The fact is that nothing can be completely understood, and in particular, most emphatically, God!

Atheist Fallacy: "You cannot prove that God exists." And "There is no evidence that God exists."

These are mere semantics, verbal games. What serves as evidence or proof for some intelligent and reasonable people cannot be expected to be equally received by everyone, regardless of their intentions or biases. "Nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - Astronomer Carl Sagan
"You only get proof in mathematics." - Mathematics Professor John Lennox

Atheist Fallacy: "There are many religions, and everyone believes theirs is true."

Humans are fallible. We make grievous errors. We sin. We are proud. The Holy Bible predicts many religions, just as there were in Biblical times. But only with the advent of Darwinism did contempt for God become assume the patina of intellectualism, claiming to be supported by science, such as Darwin hypothesized it. And only the Judeo-Christian Bible has been historically, archaeologically, scientifically, and legally validated by experts in each of these respective fields. (For further reading, see The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell.)

Atheist Fallacy: "There is evil, and sickness, and misery in the world. Why does God allow it?"

No man on earth can answer all of the questions that can be posed. Evil can be attributed to mankind's free will. We were not made into obedient ants, who act as if in a trance, devoid of free will and enjoyment. Humans have freedom, but grossly abuse it in every way possible. As to accidents and diseases and birth defects, I can only compare our miseries to the pain we must endure in undergoing surgery to get better. If in fact our souls are eternal, years of misery here on earth are but a heartbeat, comparatively speaking. But who are we to question God in His infinite wisdom? How can we be so presumptuous with our limited knowledge?

Atheist Fallacy: "Who made God?"

The ultimate challenge. Atheists pretend, and claim, that if you "can't tell me who made God, then God doesn't exist." This is an absurd, infinite regression, clearly impossible. Who then made the maker of the maker of the maker..... ad infinitum? Has no atheist bothered to consider how absurd this infinite regression is? Professor John Lennox of Oxford University addressed it simply but elegantly and with common sense and coherence: "If someone made God, then He wouldn't be God, would He?" (Please listen to A Matter of Gravity on YouTube.)

Atheist Fallacy: "Religions have killed millions throughout history."

Sin, and greed, and pride have always and will always motivate humans to do inhuman acts.
Whereas the Crusades are often cited to condemn Christianity, atheists turn a blind eye to the 100,000,000 victims of atheist communists, from the USSR, to Communist China, to Cambodia, to North Korea. "Atheism is the natural and inseperable part of communism." - Vladimir Lenin

Moreover, there is no valid basis of morality in atheism, so that murder and war cannot be condemned as wrong or sinful by atheists, as they can by Christians. Darwinism lends strong credence to fundamental immorality, as seen throughout the animal kingdom. Killing your competitors enhances your own chances of survival, as seen so often when newborns take as much food as possible, often leaving their siblings to starve.

Atheist Fallacy: "Christians are anti-science and stupid. Atheists are rational, thinking, and moral."

The claim that Christianity and science are mutually exclusive denies reality, history, and common sense. People of religious faith have pursued knowledge and science throughout all of recorded human history, as seen in many examples provided in later pages. Moreover, there are many Christian colleges, but no atheist colleges. Ivy League colleges were founded by Christians, as shown in their charters.

One of the greatest scientific discoveries of all history, the Big Bang, was resisted by many scientists because it fits in so perfectly with the Biblical paradigm of Genesis 1:1.

Science fits much more comfortably within theism than within atheism. Every scientist, every human, believes in the rational intelligibility of the universe. This is the very foundation of the Christian faith, which is based on the historic event of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.



"A very great deal more truth can become known than can be proven." ...
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feinman, quantum physicist

“Many people don’t realize that science basically involves assumptions and faith. Wonderful things in both science and religion come from our efforts based on observations, thoughtful assumptions, faith and logic. (With the findings of modern physics, it) seems extremely unlikely (that the existence of life and humanity are ) just accidental.” – Charles Townes, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.” ― Max Planck

For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been waiting there for centuries. - Robert Jastrow

"Being a lover of freedom, when the (Nazi) revolution came, I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but no, the universities were immediately silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers, whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they,like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks...Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration for it because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual and moral freedom. I am forced to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly." --Albert Einstein from Kampi und Zeugnis der bekennenden Kirche

"The Christian religion, in its purity, is the the basis and the source of all genuine freedom in government." - Noah Webster in a letter to James Madison (1829)



"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." Physicist Stephen Hawking

"We're nothing but a soap bubble, floating in a bubble bath of soap bubbles." - Michio Kaku, theoretial physicis, speaking of our universe within the "Multiverse"

"So it takes no energy to create a universe. Universes are for free. A universe is a free lunch." - Michio Kaku

"The highest dimension is eleven. We cannot go beyond eleven because universes become unstable beyond eleven." - Michio Kaku
[Physicists become unstable talking about free universes and the Multiverse.]

"An entire universe can come from nothing because its entire energy can be zero." - Physicist Lawrence Krauss

"Our universe is a small, random accident in a Multiverse." - Lawrence Krauss

The same fellow said the foregoing with a straight face, and then said this:

"We don't know that for certain."

"In science we have to be quite skeptical." [He says after claiming the universe to be "small, random accident."]

"Without empirical evidence, it's all just talk." [You're telling US!]

In the 1790's, the Jacobins rejected God and embraced rationalism. They killed 250,000 of their fellow Frenchmen with absolute certitude and contempt. Their evil cruelty was far exceeded by Stalin in the Soviet Union and Chairman Mao in Communist China. Atheism is an integral part of all communist states.

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CyberLN's picture
Geniusisdisruptive, did you

Geniusisdisruptive, did you write this OP or copy it from here

Alan Travis's picture
I wrote and maintain http:/
chimp3's picture
I read your diatribe and you

I read your diatribe and you failed to convince me there is a god.

mykcob4's picture
What a bunch of bullshit!

What a bunch of bullshit!

chimp3's picture
I am not an atheist that

I am not an atheist that demands proof of gods. I have been exposed to more than just the multiple Judeo-Christian fairy tales. I have read the Koran, Bhagavad-Gita, danced with Sufi's, had Prashad with Krishna devotees, early morning yoga at the Sikh ashram. I simply do not believe any of it. Humans created gods, all gods. Look back at any religious writing and there is nothing that a human from that era would not know. Gods only know what people know.

Alan Travis's picture
chimp: "I read your diatribe

chimp: "I read your diatribe and you failed to convince me there is a god."

[Your rudeness and incivility are so typical of hateful atheists. What angry people you always show yourselves to be. Angry, petty, condescending, unhappy.]

mykcob4: "What a bunch of bullshit!"

[CyberLN said that hatefulness and intolerance such as yours would not be permitted here. He said this is a forum for civil debate.
That would be a first for any left-wing dominated website. A first.]

Daniel's picture
I dont believe in god not

I dont believe in god not because there is no proof in a god but because every religion I have SINCERELY studied in search of god (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism) has had glaring and totally absurd holes in it. I truly wanted to believe, but time and time again religions just prove themselves to be false. Take Christianity for example. Anyone who does not believe in Jesus goes to hell for all eternity. OK, two problems. People born in other cultures that have a different religion are most like to believe in the religion of their culture. This is what they are brought up with and mostly all they know, yet an all loving god sends them to hell for all eternity? Second, what about election? It repeatedly says in the New Testament that god chooses who will believe in Jesus before such people are born. By default, this also means he chooses who goes to hell. So let me get this straight, god creates beings who have no choice but to burn in hell for all eternity? How very loving of him! Sorry, I can't believe in this craziness.

Alan Travis's picture
Freefromgod: "It repeatedly

Freefromgod: "It repeatedly says in the New Testament that god chooses who will believe in Jesus before such people are born."

Please cite those passages. Remember too that any time a Christian or conservative quotes something contrary to the Leftist narrative, it is always reviled as "quote mining." But when Leftists "quote mine," that's never a problem, even when you don't even bother to cite the quote you mined.

xenoview's picture

I skimmed you OP, it is to long to read. Atheist have a lack of belief in a god or gods. Theist have failed to meet the burden of proof that any gods exist. If you claim a god is real, you have to prove it is real. So produce testable evidence your god is real. It has to pass peer review. Is faith the only way to prove your god is real?

Alan Travis's picture
xenoview: "I skimmed you

xenoview: "I skimmed you (sic) OP, (run-on sentence) it is to (sic) long to read. Atheist (sic) have a lack of belief in a god or gods. Theist (sic) have failed to meet the burden of proof that any gods exist. If you claim a god is real, you have to prove it is real. So produce testable evidence your god is real. It has to pass peer review. Is faith the only way to prove your god is real?"

Your grammar is as poor as your reasoning. I don't have to prove anything. But when thousands of people have written books, papers, ideas and provided abundant evidence for hundreds of years, of course not everyone accepts the evidence. There are several reasons for this, not the least of which is the pervasive nature of evil. The original sin is pride, and who is more prideful than atheists, who think they know it all even when they don't even know elementary grammar. Throwing down petty rhetoric is not debate. The heavens proclaim the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork.

There is abundant science in the Holy Bible, as quoted in the website above. For those who have understanding, those who seek knowledge, read it. Don't simply dismiss volumes of information with trite remarks and put-downs. Think them through, and respond rationally and decently, if you can.

xenoview's picture
I see you have no problem

I see you have no problem acting like a troll when you have no answers for the questions you have been ask. You say you don't have to prove anything? Is that because you know your evidence for a god would not pass peer review? If you say there is a god, then you have to prove the evidence as the burden of proof. I have read the holy bible, that is why I stopped being a christian. The god of the bible is an evil monster that committed mass murder and commanded mass murder, rape and slavery.

algebe's picture
@GeniusIsDisruptive: "Your

@GeniusIsDisruptive: "Your grammar is as poor as your reasoning."

You seem to be setting yourself up as a grammar and spelling nazi here. Bad grammar and spelling do not necessarily negate an argument, but an undue focus on the minutiae of grammar and orthography is often symptomatic of a lack of effective counter-arguments.

You are also mistaken if you believe that your own writing is free from errors. "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

Sky Pilot's picture


When did the Bible become "holy"? The word didn't exist until around the 12th Century.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I like how anything

It is funny that anything GeniusIsDisruptive doesn't like is "rude".

chimp3's picture
Smell's like sock puppet

Smell's like sock puppet around here.

MCDennis's picture
There is no need to make the

There is no need to make the claim that no god exists. The burden of proof is on the theist.. the person making the positive claim... the person asserting that god or gods exist.

Alan Travis's picture
MCD: "There is no need to

MCD: "There is no need to make the claim that no god exists. The burden of proof is on the theist.. the person making the positive claim... the person asserting that god or gods exist."


Then why do atheists "make the claim that no god exists" - relentlessly, hatefully, pitifully, condescendingly, profanely, in court - if "there is no need"? You contradict yourselves so very much.

LogicFTW's picture
I would say 99% of atheist do

I would say 99% of atheist do nothing of the sort that you mentioned. However on an atheist debate board, yeah you will find people that will.. surprise! surprise! debate that your god (or any god) does not exist.

Unfortunately in many parts of the world including here in the US many atheist live in fear of theist finding out they are atheist. Never heard of theist living in fear of atheist.

Perhaps you fear atheist Geniusisdisruptive. You keep going on and on about how atheist killed 100 million+ people. You will be the first theist I ever heard of that feared atheist.

I will take your lack of response to me to mean you fear atheist. Or perhaps you fear my then/than grammatical error. Eithir works for me.

chimp3's picture
When was the existence or

When was the existence or nonexistence of gods argued in any court trial?

LogicFTW's picture
The who made god argument is

The who made god argument is not my ultimate challenge. Nor do I think it is for most of the atheist that post here. It is a valid one however. But I actually understand the theist side of it. They have this god character that has no rules that applies to it, so it is pretty easy to say this thing that has no rules has no creator and no beginning. A thought construct that makes sure no rules applies to it. It is like playing a made up game with a child that makes the rules up as they go along to suit them, and make sure it is impossible for anyone that plays with them to win unless they want that person to win.

My ultimate challenge is: We all live in a world where we use reasoning and logic based on real evidence to make good beneficial decisions. Why do people abandon those powerful and extremely useful tools of reasoning and logic based on evidence when it comes to religion?

Interesting that you consider your religion, defensively, no better than Stalin and Mao.

Read some non religion biased history of Stalin and Chairman Mao. They did not go around saying oh, you believe in god, we will now kill you. "bang!"

Stalin was raised Christian, enrolled in seminary school, and that Stalin later took it upon himself to study for the priesthood. Actually what he did was subvert the religious mechanisms already in place, and under communism made himself a deity not exactly an atheist. He basically tried to make himself god. It can be easily argued if their was not already a religious system in place before him it is highly unlikely he would of been able to pull this off.

You probably meant pol pot not Mao.
Mao mentioned religion ideas like heaven and god fairly often in his written works and speeches hey may not have been super religious, (like most religious people are not very religious) but he never said hello everyone, I am an atheist, if you are not also an atheist I am going to kill you.

Of Course if we were even to accept your argument that atheist has killed more than religions (we don't.) But if we did, what about the why does an all powerful all good all knowing good allows such atrocities, done in his name or in the absence of him? Because god works in mysterious ways? We cant understand god? Why does god not protect the people that follow him? Then why bother worship him and try to be with him? If god cannot be understood isn't everyone just wasting their time with this god idea?

Alan Travis's picture
Logic(sic)ForTW: "My

Logic(sic)ForTW: "My ultimate challenge is: We all live in a world where we use reasoning and logic based on real evidence to make good beneficial decisions. Why do people abandon those powerful and extremely useful tools of reasoning and logic based on evidence when it comes to religion?"


Stop your rhetoric and word games. ALL evidence submitted is categorically rejected by atheists. It was a Jesuit priest, Father Georges Lemaitre, who first proposed the primordial atom, now called The Big Bang. It was Albert Einstein who rejected Father Lemaitre's theory, saying "Your mathematics is correct but your physics is abominable." Einstein and all his materialist colleagues rejected The Big Bang because they could not countenance the divine implications. Anti-science and anti-intellectualism prevailed, then, as now. Einstein inserted a fudge factor in his equations to make the steady state universe come out as desired. He later called it "the stupidest mistake of my life."

At my website are dozens of names of Christian scientists who contributed to the field of science. Yes, there are ignorati, in any religion, but no less in atheism. Why else would 70% of children reared as atheists renounce their beliefs for Christianity, certainly more than any other religion?

Incidentally, the illogic of your meme of 70% of the earth being salt water makes no sense either.
1. The oceans serve as an important heat sink for the world.
2. The oceans provide abundant food for the taking.
3. The oceans provide abundant recreation, and cheap transportation to remote destinations.
4. The oceans grow enormous amounts of phytoplankton which convert water into oxygen and carbon dioxide into amino acids and food sources.

Cynicism is not understanding. It is not productive nor enlightening. There is nothing you can say that I cannot respond to with the same kind of useless and destructive cynicism, should I choose to do so.

LogicFTW's picture
I said real evidence. Fine, I

I said real evidence. Fine, I will expand it, even though I have stated it many times.
Evidence that is repeatable, testable, peer reviewed, supports other results of study of evidence that can lead to a broad well supported consensus.

Big bang does not prove or disprove your god. You are going off subject.

You still have not given a link to a solid peer reviewed large scale study about your 70% stat about atheist growing up to be theist in adulthood.

I love you broke down my 70 percent salt water. Perfect example of: the puddle commenting: hey this hole fits me perfectly! If god created the world for humans, why couldn't he simply made the planet 80 percent earth, with 20 percent fresh drinkable water. Why couldn't god just given us the ability to drink salt water? Are you saying god is bound by the rules of human physiology? I thought he made all the rules? Why mosquitos? To torment us and kill innocent kids?

Daniel's picture
GeniusDisruptive. Here are

GeniusDisruptive. Here are just a few verses that support my argument. John 15:16, Acts 13:48, Romans 8:33, Ephesians 1:4, Colossians 3:12, 2 Thessalonians 2:13. Read each of these and you can only come to one conclusion: the bible says god chooses who will believe in him, which also means he chooses who doesn't believe in him. I thought Christians believed in freewill and a benevolent god. These verses contradict that. Apparently your god creates puppets, some created for heaven, some created for hell. How nice.

Alan Travis's picture
Freefromgod: "Here are just

Freefromgod: "Here are just a few verses that support my argument. John 15:16, Acts 13:48... Read each of these and you can only come t one conclusion..... Apparently your god creates puppets, some created for heaven, some created for hell. How nice."


Your contention that "you can only come to one conclusion" is incorrect and misleading, and intentionally so.

People of ill will, as atheists are so very consistently, interpret anything they wish in the most negative, most cynical, and prideful way imaginable. Atheists NEVER give an inch. NEVER. You're always right, always smarter, more "rational," better educated than anyone who deigns to disagree with you. Pride gets in your way of rational thinking, fairness, honor, and decency, and you can't even see or realize it, much less change your ways.

Many of the uglinesses that surround everyone on earth cause me to wonder why - why woud God permit these things. He's benevolent. He's all-powerful. You and I wouldn't allow these things to happen, presumably. But then again, we aren't God, are we.
In one sense, you can think of a parent disciplining a child. "Why did my father spank me. Why did I fall down and break my arm.
Why am I getting painful medical treatments. Why do I have to go to school and do my homework and take the trash out."

But the bigger picture is that we have only a few years here on earth, a miniscule amount of time in comparison to the age of the universe, in comparison to eternity.

Whether or not I am the stupidest person alive is insignificant. Whether or not I die and have no soul, my decisions remain sound.
I am content with them. You and your godless friends scream so loudly, you couldn't possibly be content with your choices. People are always "trying to shove their religion" down your throats. I can't imagine how, but you scream and pretend as much without end.

1 Timothy 2:4 God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

I don't need to multiply up examples of God's benevolence toward all of His creations. You made erroneous assumptions about each and every one of the verses you cited. We are all children of God, whom He loves and wants the best for.

If you are wrong, the consequences for you are horrific. You have no one to blame but yourself. If you think you are smarter than God, you are sadly mistaken, and you will have a very long time to regret your errors, your pride.

The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell, is excellent reading. It is the most thoroughly documented book I have ever read, and I have read a lot of books. It is replete with science, archaelogy, history, psychology, medicine, and much more, all of which document the truth, which shall set you free. Should you wish to remain in your angry, isolated state, nobody can or wants to stop you. We have led horses to water, but we cannot make them drink.

Nyarlathotep's picture
GeniusIsDisruptive - It was

GeniusIsDisruptive - It was Albert Einstein who rejected Father Lemaitre's theory

Einstein didn't like it; but who gives a fuck what Einstein liked or didn't like.

GeniusIsDisruptive - Einstein inserted a fudge factor in his equations to make the steady state universe come out as desired.

Actually, he introduced a constant, the constant is required for mathematical completeness; and it is still included today.

GeniusIsDisruptive - Anti-science and anti-intellectualism prevailed, then, as now.

Actually, Lemaitre won several awards for his work on this topic.

Alan Travis's picture
Nyarlathotep: "Einstein didn

Nyarlathotep: "Einstein didn't like it; but who gives a fuck what Einstein liked or didn't like."


My but aren't YOU intellectual, courteous, and simply a joy to be around. Are all of you intent on vulgar nonsense, and relentless attacks on anything any Christian ever says in this "debate" forum?

Is there ONE OTHER CHRISTIAN here besides me? Or do you not tolerate non-atheists?

xenoview's picture

You have no problem reposting the swear words you cry about. You cry about relentless attacks on a debate forum. A debate forum works like this, you post a reply or questions, then people respond to it. My guess is you are overwhelmed by all the questions and replies to you. Maybe if you started to answer questions and replies, we could have a debate. Instead you cry like a baby at every small thing you can cry about. You cry about grammar, swear words, and peoples reasonings.

Daniel's picture
GeniusDisruptive, you said

GeniusDisruptive, you said that my contention was incorrect and misleading, yet you failed to provide an alternative interpretation to the verses I cited. That fact is, those verses do provide evidence that the bible says god chooses who goes to heaven and who goes to hell beyond their own freewill. This isn't my interpretation of those verses, even many Christians believe in preelection. Yet again, a theist fails to provide support for an argument. BTW, talk about angry, have you read your own posts?

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