proof of the shroud of turin

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Russian-Tank's picture
proof of the shroud of turin

hello again,
did some further research on the Shroud of Turin, and William Guy made an outstanding documentary about the it. He gives proofs for its authenticity, or at least that it wasn't a forgery including:

he said that crucifiction was invented by persians and perfected by romans. He said at that time, no one wore those thorns on their heads other than Jesus, therefore it proves it was him, and that it couldn't have been a forgery as real blood was used which had some chemical balance demonstrating the person was suffering. He said a forger wouldn't have put blood into the shroud, and he said pollen was found there that is native to ancient palestine. The most recent carbon dating seemed to suggest it was from a time period from about 1000 years BC to 1000 years after, so the timeframe could be right.

He also said that one geologist actually studied the shroud and found remnants of tomb stone on it. He tested it, and found that it matched with Jerusalem lime stone in tombs, not even limestone in other parts of Israel.

These seems really hard to refute.

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Jared Alesi's picture
algebe's picture
It proves that you should
Russian-Tank's picture
@Algebe, but how do you
algebe's picture
@Russian-Tank: but how do you
Kataclismic's picture
Absolutely. A dirty cloth
Grinseed's picture
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Even IF the evidence
David Killens's picture
Unfortunately Russian-Tank,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - The most
CyberLN's picture
RT, do you find the
dogalmighty's picture
the shroud of turnip


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sapporo's picture
The chance of the Shroud of
Russian-Tank's picture
@Sapporo, how is it 0? They
Jared Alesi's picture
Read what he said. He didn't
mykcob4's picture
1) The shroud of Turin only
Russian-Tank's picture
For all of you who still don
David Killens's picture
All respected testing was
Sapporo's picture
Sheldon's picture
Sun, 04/08/2018 - 21:13
Sheldon's picture
"The Turin Shroud is a fake…
Russian-Tank's picture
Grinseed's picture
Sheldon's picture
You're using argumentum ad
Sheldon's picture
1m 42 seconds into that video
Sapporo's picture
@Russian Tank
Russian-Tank's picture
Sapporo's picture
I doubt the Shroud could even
Sheldon's picture
You are reeling off claims as
Jared Alesi's picture
If something is 99% accurate
Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - Here are


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