Hello all,
I used to be an Atheist a long time ago, now I'm a Christian.
I need your help, if you wouldn't mind..
I'm working on a website about the Bible for believers and non-believers.
The first article on Noah’s Flood (in the non-believers section) has been published on the site. Whilst I have tried to write it from an non-believer's standpoint, I would appreciate any advice to improve it. Whether you are highly cynical, against Christianity, or indifferent, any feedback would be useful.
It is worthwhile to get feedback from Christians, but Atheists should be able to give me a totally different view. For example, I may have written something on the site which you find unfairly biased or illogical.
If you have only a little time, please check it out here: https://faithandtheword.com/idb/mind/real-argument/global-flood/investig...
If you have more time to read the study from the beginning, please start here: https://faithandtheword.com/idb/mind/
Hopefully this does go down like a lead balloon! Apologies if Christian's aren't particular welcomed here but this seems like a reasonable forum
Anyway, thank you for reading this.
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