Proof of God's non-existance

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Danish Dot Java's picture
Proof of God's non-existance

Hi friends,

A question has been bugging me for quite some time now. I am sure that religion is only a man-made system and have enough proof to convince people. However whenever I try to convince people about the non-existence of God, I can not find any substantial proof. Discussions always come to the point of "What or who caused the Big-Bang??" or more generally what/who started everything. If I think of it terms of cause and effect, then there must be something in the very beginning who started everything. I need your help in finding proof of God's non-existence.

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Travis Hedglin's picture
Something that doesn't exist
Shock of God's picture
Something *physical* will
Travis Hedglin's picture
If a god interacts with the
Shock of God's picture
"If a god interacts with the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Shock of God - "This is not
Travis Hedglin's picture
True, the resulting change
Travis Hedglin's picture
"This is not true. A theity
MCDennis's picture
Great, please provide proof
Mike De Fleuriot's picture
Consider what it would look
dpasek's picture
This question is not


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Joshua Martin Pryce's picture
christians dont need to prove
gcibulka's picture
Actually, you do have the
jonthecatholic's picture
I’d agree with you on this
NameRemovedByMod's picture
Ugh! More of this faith talk.
cmallen's picture
The perspicuity of Travis'
stephengunn97's picture
Here is proof that
ThePragmatic's picture
People often seem to forget
Ilovequestions's picture
Or maybe God created
ThePragmatic's picture
Or... maybe the Flying
Pitar's picture
Forget about the god-thing.
Holly Staggs's picture
There is no proof, but the
Mhar Blanco's picture
Some of us are not scientists
Sirkenstien's picture
God made the big bang and it
Bloggins's picture
Asking for proof of god's
Mike De Fleuriot's picture
Define the fairy and we both
MCDennis's picture
Are you suggesting you can
dpasek's picture
"Define the fairy and we both
dpasek's picture
" can never prove the
Sirkenstien's picture
Christians tell you that the
mysticrose's picture
There might the source of the


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