Proof of God: Argument from Efficient Causes

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Chris McDearman's picture
I said deism or general
bigbill's picture
Thomas Jefferson one of our
Chris McDearman's picture
The mind is the first cause.
Dave Matson's picture
How do you square the idea of
Dave Matson's picture
bigbill's picture
maybe you can espouse this
Chris McDearman's picture
Well that would be foolish of
ThePragmatic's picture
Well, what are you then. You
Chris McDearman's picture
All I know is that there is a
algebe's picture
@RW: "All I know is that
Chris McDearman's picture
No I know it's a mind based
algebe's picture
So the first cause is
Dave Matson's picture
One man's "knowing" is
ThePragmatic's picture
@ RadicalWhiggery
bigbill's picture
hey chimp I`m going to bed
berghead's picture
Radical Whiggery bases their


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Dave Matson's picture
If you are going to fly the
Chris McDearman's picture
Ok well if you choose to join
Dave Matson's picture
Kataclismic's picture
You claim to have proof of
mrkhaan's picture
Philosophical arguments are
Dave Matson's picture
Pitar's picture
Philosophy is just another


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