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The Intruder's picture

Miracles. God. Afterlife....

It's so funny and sorry, that when science couldn't prove a thing, it then means it doesn't exist.

See, you can't box all things within the geometry of science.

In all, It seems atheism at the end is not actually about questioning things to know but about concluding and judging all things in the court science. Sadly, that is what limits its research.

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David Killens's picture
Science is a methodology, and
The Intruder's picture
@David Killens, Nice response
David Killens's picture
@ Jo
The Intruder's picture
@David Killens. The summary
David Killens's picture
@ Jo
Tin-Man's picture
Re: The adorable Intruder -
Sheldon's picture
The Intruder "The probability
Sheldon's picture
The Intruder "Now, can you
Randomhero1982's picture
There are in fact many ways
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Intruder
LogicFTW's picture
LogicFTW's picture
And he ignores my point.
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
There is a marked difference
The Intruder's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Intruder
David Killens's picture
@ Jo
Sheldon's picture
The Intruder
The Intruder's picture
@Sheldon, will say it and
Tin-Man's picture
@Precious Little Intruder
toto974's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
The Intruder - Dude go and
Randomhero1982's picture
1. A human Mind , is the
David Killens's picture
@ The Intruder
Sheldon's picture
The intruder "@Sheldon, will
Sheldon's picture
The Intruder " Evidence is
Get off my lawn's picture
This was not addressed to me,
Sheldon's picture
Get off my lawn "Dude go and
Andromeda's picture
Please, for one, work on your
Whitefire13's picture
I am not a scientist...just a
MTheory's picture


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