So I've seen many "Christianity is bad/wrong/unjust because he/she Christian did this" posts, or "Christianity is responsible for this atrocity" references. So which of the actual, precise teachings of Christ do you oppose? Not teachings of whatever church or actions men have done in the supposed "name" of God. Just the teachings of Christ himself. Thanks.
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One of the problems I have with Christianity is the problem I have with all the major religions. It is hard to put it into words, but I'll try:
They teach acceptance of the status quo in this existence; in exchange for improvements in some promised future existence.
@ Sinner
My problem with christianity is that it is a lie.
The problem I have with Jesus is the likelihood that he is a myth. The bogus idea that I need him is shit. There is nothing in his teachings morally that any human being can not devise over dinner. The miracles and resurrection are nonsense. Vicarious redemption is immoral. The only thing special about him is the threat of hell without acceptance and the totalitarianism of the creed. Luckily , hell is not real so Jesus can fuck off!
I don't have a problem with xtians or xtianism as long as they practice their religion in peace & in private. As goes for any religion.
Well said, Sham. I agree with every word of that.
Hmm... problems with "teachings of christ."
I am sure I can find some bible reference about him saying women are lesser than, or slaves are okay, etc. But then we would just argue about versions of the bible and interpretations etc.
I guess I could say I do not have any problems with the teachings of christ. Other than: that it helps pull the wool over the eyes of billions of people worldwide to believe this idea that has zero actual evidence/proof/real world support.
Just like I have zero problems with the ideas and concepts of Santa Claus, other than: that it helps pull the wool over the eyes of billions of people worldwide to believe this idea that has zero actual evidence/proof/real world support.
Or, put another way, it hinders the advancement of collective human knowledge to fill the, (often nefarious,) agenda of a small group of people.
Oh I also have a problem with the incredible vagueness of the "teachings of christ" if christ/god was so great and all that, why so vague? Why so open to interpretation? Sounds like a lousy way to "teach" people.
People simply do not read the historicity of the basis for gods and religion so they will dwell as they do in the ignorance that prompts them to ask questions similar to the OP's here. If he stumbled upon that basis he would have the inarguable weight of evidence sufficient to dislodge his normally deeply secured doubts, bringing them to the forefront of his psyche, and persuade himself to dispense with such inquiries as these. Time marches on and it will heal the (self-inflicted) wounds of ignorance with knowledge. I'm not sure that will bring great things to mankind because he'll just do something else looming large in his propensity to take the shortcut to ignorance rather than stay on the long road to knowledge.
Matthew 8:5-13
Did you notice that when Jesus healed the centurion's slave, he never commented about the evil of owning another human being?
Luke 14:26
Do you hate your family, and your own life? I despise Jesus for saying that. It's the gateway to extremism.
Algebe- Ya, I hate some of my family and much of my existence. Wait...I forgot hate doesn't exist...can't even scientifically prove it!
Since we both used the word "hate," we can assume that we both have a meaning for it, based on our own experience and feelings. That's proof enough, I think. What we can't prove is that your experience of hate is the same as mine, but I think there's probably a rough equivalence, give or take a few degrees. For me hate is a very cold emotion. How about you?
Do you hate your family and your existence because of what Jesus allegedly said?
Algebe- I agree, very cold. Makes me burn hot at times as well...
I guess I hate actions as opposed to individual family members. I hate things they/I have done. And yes, I hate the times when I fall short of the charity, sacrifice and loving behaviors exhibited by Christ. I'd be very hard pressed to give examples of Christ-like behaviors that have ever led to death or destruction. My selfish behaviors sometimes do.
Hate is the most negative of emotions. It hurts the hater; not the hated. Hating someone is like shooting yourself in the foot. But tell me about those selfish behaviours, Sinner if you will. That would be quite interesting.