A problem with an argument

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Bogdan126's picture
A problem with an argument

Hey guys, I'm new here. I'm an atheist and I recently talked to my dad (a catholic, like I used to be) and we discussed science and religion. After a while I was able to convince him that catholicism is plain wrong as it is one of the most naive, wonderland religions out there. We talked a bit more and he still believed in a being that he called a god. His view on god was a being so far superior to us that we can't grasp the forms of communication it tries to reach us with. And as an example he told me that it's similar to human-ant relationship. His point was that ants are so far inferior to humans, that they can't communicate with us in any way, and we don't care for them that much to try and talk in ant language, so we just let them live or just kill them with our almighty fingers/boots/whatever. So the point of this was to show me how a normal interaction with a being so much inferior to another being is impossible. Therefore there can be a being which he called god, that can't communicate with us in other way than through normal life situations like death for example. I'm thinking about it and I can't find an argument to prove that statement wrong, the statement being "There is a chance of a being so much superior to us that it can be called a god and it can't communicate with us using our methods of communication (the human-ant anegdote as the argument of that)". I would love to see your thoughts on this. I've been wondering where to start and the first question I came up with is "Do I, as an atheist, believe that there are beings in the universe so superior to us that they might be called gods?" Because when it comes to ants- we are almost gods to them.



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Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Bogdan. Welcome to
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
""Any sufficiently advanced
Cognostic's picture
An omnipotent being that is
calhais's picture
1An omnipotent being that is
David Killens's picture
If there are vastly superior
Tin-Man's picture
Okay, I'm back. Want to go
Grinseed's picture
We aren't gods and we don't
Tin-Man's picture
Okay, this should be fun....
algebe's picture
I admire ants. If their nest
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "We're homo sapiens. The
algebe's picture
Thank you Tin-Man. And back
LogicFTW's picture
If everyone in NZ is like
toto974's picture
Fuck yeah!!!! It is the
Sky Pilot's picture
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
Human beings do not claim to
Bogdan126's picture
Thank you guys for such an
Sapporo's picture
For all practical purposes
Ramo Mpq's picture


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Sapporo's picture
@Searching for truth
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Twin baby meme
mickron88's picture
t-man i'm positive the one
Bogdan126's picture
I think they have a lot of
Cognostic's picture
For FK sake... RE: Searching
calhais's picture
There is a chance of a being
arakish's picture
You mean kind of like the
Cognostic's picture
@ calhais: Seriously. How
calhais's picture
Ask Sheldon. He's got a
Cognostic's picture
Okay! I am in complete
arakish's picture
You know bots can be designed
Dave Matson's picture
The reason communication with


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