Prayer at my sons Pop Warner games

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miako demelo's picture
Prayer at my sons Pop Warner games

Hello, I'm new to the forum and looking for some input, advice, or experience. I have 3 sons, all of which have played Pop Warner football for a total of 16 years. My 13 year old informed me last week that his head coach has been leading the team in a pre-game prayer each week asking for the "lords help in keeping them safe, focused, and bring home a victory!" Stunned, I went discreetly to this guy and explained that we were atheist and I was upset that this had been going on. He said he has been coaching and doing this for 20 years and had never had a single complaint. He told me he would ask the kids if they wanted to pray and if any child said no they could step "outside the prayer circle." I told him I doubted any kid would put himself on display like that and that I, once again, did not want religion shoved down mine or my kids throats. He then preceded to say that he was "sick of politics and science being shoved down my throat. And the gays and their agenda make me sick, those people are evil!" This, I might add, from a black man and why he threw gay in there is bizarre?

Of course at the game yesterday, not only did he pray loudly, the boys shouted out AMEN!!! as loudly as possible. Apparently in support of this guy the parents told their kids to "stand proud!" I have no idea how to proceed with this. I don't want my kid outed as he's not ok with it. It makes me want to puke! Has anyone dealt with this issue. I can only find one other case like this, in Florida, and his kid was bullied when the dad tried to stop it.
Thanks in advance.

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Mardze's picture
Better let your kids be
Johnathan Graham's picture
I myself, played striper
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If that doesn't work go to
Lmale's picture
A black christian is someone
mysticrose's picture
As a parent, it's you who can
efpierce's picture
That coach clearly has no
miako demelo's picture
Thank you all for the
Kadad Coe's picture
I think it's great that you
Maher's picture
Hi, if you are tired of the
Marys's picture
Get ready for the sweetest
Solarima's picture
That the first option is not
jifico1201's picture
this is interesting
lunadam's picture
Reach out to other parents in
VItor's picture
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carlmarx's picture
Never underestimate the
kilopasasa's picture
I am learning what I need to
elowenbriar46's picture
Are you a fan of Worms Zone
cathymueller777's picture
Your situation reminds me of
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You are absolutely right!
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You are posting amazing


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