I saw a question asked in another thread similar to this topic, and I felt that it would make a good discussion in and of itself. The question is as follows:
"I won't ask you to disprove the existence of God, but do you have any justifiable evidence against His existence that suggests that a divine being should not or cannot exist?"
This is the question that I want to discuss as the topic for this thread. So I will start with the answer I originally provided. I took this from the other thread so I hope no one accuses me of being lazy =)
This is the wrong question, as there are countless possibilities for which particular "God" you are speaking of, and as such has no real answer. In order for anyone to sufficiently answer that question you must first provide specific factors related to your particular God. Of course a"god" might possibly exist, but this is one thing you or I cannot prove or disprove and is therefore a waste of time.
Now, although one cannot prove/disprove the existence a God, one can definitely disprove the existence of a specific God, I will just assume that you are Christian only for the sake of making a point, if you are not a Christian then please take no offense.
The God of Christianity makes numerous truth claims (something asserted as true, while not necessarily being true) about the structure and nature of reality based entirely on Gods own authority. This provides an excellent means of possibly vindicating those very truth claims in light of empirical evidence ABOUT the structure and nature of reality. If many claims are demonstrated to be true, and this knowledge existed outside the means of the scholars and scientists of that era, then this makes a good case for the vindication of more extravagant claims written in holy text, namly the will of God and his ultimate existence.
But, if the opposite is found, and the numerous truth claims written within the bible are false, then so is the more extravagant claims as well, as it rests entirely on THAT God's supposed authority. If the foundational claims of any religion are shown to be false then so is every claim that rests on that very foundation. If Moses never existed, then Jesus is a fraud and therefore Christianity refuted, and by extension the existence of the God of Abraham.
I would like feedback as to if this is a valid method or if I am missing something in my approach?
If anyone has a better method then I would love to hear it.
Thank you =)
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