Pope Donates to Feed Drought-Stricken East Africa

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xenoview's picture
Pope Donates to Feed Drought-Stricken East Africa

The pope makes a huge 25,000 euro donation to UN Food and Agriculture Organization efforts to help feed the hunger in East Africa. Surly the pope could have donated several million to help out with feeding the hunger.


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Pitar's picture
Vatican Harvesting.

Vatican Harvesting.

chimp3's picture
25,000 condoms may have been

25,000 condoms may have been better spent.

Randomhero1982's picture
For the cardinals and altar

For the cardinals and altar boys? Or for the people of East Africa?

curious's picture
In my view the current Pope

In my view the current Pope is good individual. But as a political leader of sort he can't walk away from politic, there is no way he could walk away from it - it is a package that he was aware of before he became a Pope.

"Wear his glasses", is good idea to see the world from his perspective unless if you insist that a leader of large community should not muddle with politic - than it would be a new thing in this world.

algebe's picture
Peanuts. Shameful.

Peanuts. Shameful.

The biggest recipients of Vatican charity are lawyers defending pedophile priests. Instead of putting money in church collection boxes, people should donate to Save the Children.

jonthecatholic's picture
I'll just peave this here
algebe's picture
Have you ever been to the

Have you ever been to the Vatican?

jonthecatholic's picture
No. but I don't see why that

No. but I don't see why that would matter.

algebe's picture
It's a huge patch of prime

It's a huge patch of prime land in the middle of Rome, stuffed with priceless art treasures. I'm not sure what those assets have to do with "god's work."

I was there last year. I went to the Vatican Museum. There's a line of people around the block all day waiting to pay 5 euro each to tour the place. Inside it's as crowded as a Tokyo train station in rush hour. The profits from that operation alone must be vast.

And the Pope gives $25,000. I've made personal donations bigger than that, and I'm not a head of state.

xenoview's picture
If every catholic(1.6 billion

If every catholic(1.6 billion) gave $10 a month, that is $192 billion raised for the year. The vaticans budget is $170 billion per year. That leaves them 22 billion profit, so the pope only gave 25,000 euros for aid. If they have 22 billion net profit, why did the pope give such a small amount?


jonthecatholic's picture
That's all well and good. But

That's all well and good. But you have the assumption that all our donations go to the Vatican. They don't. I doubt any of it reaches the Vatican at all since our churches here have their own expenses, projects and charities.

As to the "small" amount the Pope gave (which Algebe said he's donated more than), you'll have to ask what else the pope spent on. There are a lot of charities and in the world and giving 25,000 Euro might be "small" for the Vatican coz it has Billions but you're kinda ignoring all the other charities they fund.

The complaint is that it's not enough, thing is, no amount will ever be enough for the pope to give. Even "selling the Vatican", which would be a horrible idea.


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algebe's picture
@Jon the Catholic: "Even

@Jon the Catholic: "Even "selling the Vatican", which would be a horrible idea."

Why? That place is a heart of darkness that keeps billions of people locked in medieval superstitious stagnation. The condom and birth control policy alone is a vast crime against humanity. The church creates an environment for overpopulation and STD epidemics and then donates $25K to fix a miniscule part of the misery it causes.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I'm not Catholic, nor do I

I'm not Catholic, nor do I care to defend the Pope. But $30,000 in seeds seem to be a great idea, and more than enough (or at least enough for me to not look down on the Pope).

I've heard plenty of tales of economies becoming destabilized when people donate too much or donate certain things, like shoes. Peoples who make and sell shoes locally are left without business, because you have an influx of shoes coming in from charities. Nobody is going to buy shoes when they can get them for free. People lose their jobs as a result, and things get worse. Same goes for other goods that are donated.

As the saying goes, give a man a fish and they'll eat for a day. That's great and in emergencies its needed. But people often forget that more importantly, if you teach a man to fish he'll eat for a lifetime. That's what donating $30,000 worth of seed does, it allows them to begin growing their food again. Those seeds are gonna start growing an multiplying for years to come.

That's how you deal with a famine in my opinion. Not just by focusing on the short-term, but by thinking of the future.

algebe's picture
@John 61X Breezy: "teach a

@John 61X Breezy: "teach a man to fish he'll eat for a lifetime."

Absolutely right. That's why I support Save the Children. They help to educate the kids as well as feeding them.

You're also right about charities sending bales of used clothing and footwear, etc. That just deprives people of work. It's better to promote trade. Kenya's doing well supplying cut flowers and other horticultural produce to Europe.

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