Plagiarism and Copyrights

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CyberLN's picture
Plagiarism and Copyrights

The account of JimM has been blocked. This user was warned not to copy/ paste large blocks of text from other sources. The user declined to adhere to that.

To remind everyone: quoting a couple of sentence and citing the source is fine. Doing a copy/paste of large blocks of text (paragraph/s) can put AR in violation of copyright law. Plagiarism also violates copyright laws and, imo, is unethical.

If you want to encourage other readers to read a large block of text from another source, post the link if you like, but not the actual material. My suggestion, however, is to try using your own words to describe a point.

Users who violate copyright law, putting AR at risk, will be blocked from participating in these forums.

Thank you,
Your Mods

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Tin-Man's picture


Well, you did give the guy several warnings. Apparently whoever was doing his thinking for him didn't pay attention.

Sheldon's picture
Maybe Satan tricked him? Just

Maybe Satan tricked him? Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

algebe's picture
Even the writers of Christian

Even the writers of Christian apologetic blogs should be acknowledged when their work is quoted verbatim. JimM went far beyond "fair use" with his wholesale copy-and-paste posts.

Grinseed's picture
Thank you CyberLN.

Thank you CyberLN.

Cognostic's picture
I just wanted to let everyone

I just wanted to let everyone know Plagiarism and Copyrights violations are not tolerated around this place. The account of JimM was recently blocked by the mods and I am perfectly okay with that. This user was warned not to copy/ paste large blocks of text from other sources but was unable to keep his urge to quote scripture and other sources he assumed agreed with his points under control.

So as a reminder to the rest of us, I want to let you all know, that the mods are perfectly okay with quoting a couple of sentences or citing the source or an article. Doing a copy/paste of large blocks of text (paragraph/s) can put AR in violation of copyright law and, imo, is unethical and demonstrates a lack of imagination.

It has been suggested, if we want to encourage other readers to read a large block of text from another source, we post the link, but not the actual material, and I for one think that is damn fair. My suggestion, however, is that we should to try using our own words and the for mentioned imagination to describe the point we are trying to make.

According to the mods, users who violate copyright law, putting AR at risk, will be blocked from participating in these forums.

Thanks everyone. I just wanted to share. You can read more here.

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