Petition to protect kids from religious parents

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AtheistMate's picture
Petition to protect kids from religious parents

Hi i made a petition to Protect kids from their religious parents and awful activities and education. its here at it would great you guys could sign.

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chimp3's picture
I read the petition. Pretty

I read the petition. Pretty vague. I want to know what Jackboot tactics you would use to "protect" the little kiddies? What would you do if the parents resist you?

Nyarlathotep's picture
There are already lots of

There are already lots of laws against child abuse/neglect (here in the US, and I imagine most places) which are not typically enforced when it comes to religion (or aren't enforced until the death of the child). Or in other words: much of what you suggested in the petition is already illegal.

curious's picture
I have the feeling that this

I have the feeling that this petition is to detach children from their parent so to fulfill your belief, a belief that derived from opinion that their belief is wrong?

mykcob4's picture
I don't care about the OP's

I don't care about the OP's petition. I do care if kids are abused by parents. I do believe that brainwashing or forced indoctrination is a form of child abuse. I have witnessed in my own family a form of christian child abuse. My cousin was badly burned by an incubator. His parents refused anything other than the initial medical care. He never received plastic surgery or any medical care. His parents just prayed for him.
I also hate the hypocrisy of zoning laws. A sexually oriented business is not allowed within 1500 feet of a school. That is fine but the thing is churches are allow next door. Sexually oriented business cannot and will not allow anyone underage in their place of business, so kids aren't actually at risk. However, churches not only will let a kid, even unescorted by a parent in, they will also go out of the church enter school grounds and actively recruit (brainwash) kids. So the real danger to kids come from churches, not topless bars.

curious's picture
I can't imagine to see my

I can't imagine to see my little daughter taken away to be saved by others because they don't like me giving her religious teaching? That is sound really really scary. It is bad enough for me as the father, how about the mother who carried the baby in her body for almost a year and gave birth? I always inside the delivery room when my children were born, it is not pretty struggle I can assure you. And than - she got to be separated from the child?

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